- Above average: That was an easy one: laziness. I am the laziest person I know. (Then again, I don't know that many people, see 3.) I just work/do enough to get by. No greed & virtually no ambition. (Hmm, well, obviously enough greed to participate here.)
- That was the hardest one. Couldn't think of anything, until I remembered my height. In my generation I'm actually of exactly the average height.
- This was easy again: I'm way way below average in social skills. I like to be alone & to be left alone, always did. Hence I never developed good skills to get along with others.
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Ha ha, that was funny! Being above average in laziness! Now are you sure? Can you provide examples? Are you in the top 1 percentile?
Well, eg. I haven't worked since June or July last year. Just living from the money I earned in the years before (& trying to earn some through cryptocurrencies). I usually only do what is necessary or fun (or a combination thereof, like cycling).
I have lots of material about China which I could post on Steemit, but I spent my time rather sleeping, eating & reading the news. I always plan to do more, but whether I really get to it?
I'm probably not in the top percentile, because I am too much of a Libertarian. I refuse to live off the state's money. So, if necessary, I actually do something to earn a living.
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