Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Above average)

in #newbiegames6 years ago

Thanks for sharing about what you did on the enforced HF20 Steem holiday, it was nice to see that some of us just went out and enjoyed life, whilst others were looking forward to the return of Steem! I'm not addicted....

Apologies for the @steem-bounty distribution last week as well, I'm not sure why but something glitched and @karinxxl took the whole thing! Lucky door prize!

This week, I'm talking a bit about being being average and being above or below it, and how our perceptions of where we stand with respect to the average. It has been shown time and time again that we often have a better view of our abilities than is otherwise justified. For instance, the common example is that pretty much most people think that they are above average drivers. However, the definition of average is that 50 percent of us will be BELOW average, so definitely there are people (probably everyone else!) that have overestimated their driving ability! Personally, I think I'm an above average driver.... it's definitely the rest of you that need to make up the average by being less good!

My Questions

  1. What do you think are you above average in?
  2. What do you think that are about average in?
  3. What do you think you are above average in, but suspect that in all honesty are probably below or only just average?

My sample answer


I don't know... sometimes Unsplash gives me the weirdest stuff when I do a search!

Anyway, I would have to say that I think I'm pretty above average in playing the viola/viola. Against the general population, I have an advantage as most people don't play a musical instrument anyway, so that would be a lot of zeros to help me get above the average threshold! Amongst people who do play the violin, well... I do it for it for a living, and people don't try to hurt me by throwing stuff at me, so I will have to assume that means I'm above average!

Middling average, I would have to say that my writing skills are probably about middling average. I have done so much more writing since appearing on Steem, but I do notice that I tend to lose focus and steam if I haven't drafted a post... and if I do draft a post, it tends to the get a bit distracted into slightly irrelevant fields if I'm not careful! So, I would have to say that I think that my writing skills are definitely about average.

Below average, this is a tricky one. I would have to say, I think I'm a decent cook, but then I get to taste some of the stuff that my friends and neighbours make, and well... let's just say that sometimes I'm a bit embarrassed that I let them eat the stuff that I cook. Not that it is bad or anything (I hope), but I really feel the difference in quality. On the other hand, maybe I'm just average and they are stupendously above average?


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 2.610 SBD and 0 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 3 shares.

The winners by random draw are:




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This is a difficult one, since I have the tendency to underestimate myself.
Let's see...

  1. I'm definitely above average when it comes to empathy. Believe me, there is absolutely nothing fun on being hypersensitive and terribly empathic.

  2. About average.... damn, I could give you a long list of things I'm below average in, but about average....that's a difficult one. (...think...think...)(...think some more....). Writing, maybe.

  3. Hahaha, gardening, for sure. I like to think that I'm good at it, but if I would be, I probably woulldn't kill so many plants :0)

Posted using Partiko Android

Gardening? I thought you were doing really well with that... well, until the end. But before that, it was looking pretty awesome!

I can imagine it is no fun to be constantly feeling other people's moods and situations too strongly, sound a bit debilitating... on the other hand, better that than the other extreme!

I assume it is...

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You know, that has GOT to be one of the most uncomfortable stock photos you could have picked for this post :P

I think I am an above average father to my son. I try to spend as much time as possible with him, and I think I'm very patient and warm to him.

I think I am an average husband to my wife. I don't do anything I'm embarrassed about, but I only don't really do much that I'm proud of, either.

I suspect I may be a below average son, even though I fancy myself an above average one. I try to call every other day or so just to say hey, but I tend to vent my frustrations about other family members to them, which puts them in a difficult place sometimes. I can also be somewhat manipulative, callous, and passive-aggressive, even with them (sometimes especially with them).

Damnit... I had the same thought! I was wondering if anyone else would see it as well, and of course it would be you!

Great thing to be above average in! I also hope I'm the same for my girls... I guess the jury will be out until they turn into adults! I wonder if I can maintain the position as they grow up and pass through the terror years!

Average husband? I'm sure you are better than that! Nothing embarrassing is a good start I guess!

Oh... tell me about being a good son.... living so far away from parents is weird, it really introduces a degree of disconnection. As I grow up in my own role as a father, I keep thinking about things that I would have wanted to have done differently when I was growing up under my parent's care. Nothing disasterous, but things I would have told my past self...

Funny you mention that last bit... It's been the topic of a post I've been wanting to write for a couple months now but just don't know how to approach. Basically boils down to the fact that I want to help him discover his passion/purpose/meaning. Sometimes I feel like all I've ever really accomplished is making a small copy of myself. If I can at least get him to a point in his life where he feels like he is making a difference in the world, it'll justify my own existence as nothing more than a father.

Oof. That's some super-heavy stuff right there. Like I said, no idea how to turn this thought into a full-blown post, haha.

Glad you managed the post!

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An interesting corollary is that, even if we're below average for something we have an interest in, we're still probably above the worldwide average considering how many people aren't even paying attention to it.
For example. I'm a below average chess player, if you're looking just at chess players. But I'm still better than people who have never played, and I think that's most people, so I'm above average, really.

  1. I'm an above average casual games player.
  2. I'm average or below average cleaner. Boy, howdy, even when I'm really trying, The Thing just doesn't get clean to @stinawog's standards... Very cliche.
  3. I think I'm an above average dancer and chef. But probably not really, I'm just unafraid, and that means I do them more.

On the other side of the aisle, I think I'm a very below average singer, because I've been surrounded by discouraging people. I suspect more people are as "bad" as me, but most of them just don't sing, rather than have to listen to the shame that is heaped upon us.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I was thinking about that myself.... Should you be comparing against people who have absolutely no skill or interest.... Well, in the end I figured I'd leave that up to everyone. I guess, in the end you are comparing against only interested people, otherwise, you are pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel to make the average!

By casual games do you mean like car and board games? Or like phone games?

I think I'm with you on the cleaning. My wife sometimes does again what I have done. I don't do it on purpose, but I think we see different things... Because it happens in reverse too!

Unafraid! That's the thing, you can be the best in the world at something, but if no one knows... Then it doesn't really matter!

By casual gaming, I mean yeah, board games, and I'm surely above average amongst my friends, but pros would surely clean the floor with me.

Posted using Partiko Android

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{Looks like I got in early this time, so let's get on chugging!}

Above average:

My charisma...

What? You expected me to talk more, I usually see people just agree with me right away! Oh well, lemme explain here.

Now, I dunno if it be pure luck or just how I talk in general, but people tend to agree with me, just acquiesce to my suggestions (even if it be somewhat), do what I suggest without hesitation and strangers tend to speak many a things with me, even when I haven't a clue of who they are.

Now I'm shocked just even typing this since I never had a real bump where someone just got seemingly pissed and just 180'd from a conversation. Yet more-so on the stranger part, but I guess charisma truly is a charm. Even so, it could be because of my reputation and how people perceive that really has allowed me to do what I've been doing so far. Yet yer going to have to convince me the strangers part, because I can't fathom how my rep can have such an influence outside the places I work at.


Now I really can't think of an average - so lemme bs and say breathing. Yeah, I breathe just as fine as everybody else.

Yeah, that's right. I can breathe so fine, that you couldn't tell I was breathing so average-like.

Yeppo, I just managed to trick the human race... I mean I know how to breathe average-like, that, when I breathe better, people give me the looks.

Of course, we can all breathe a lil' better - don't listen to that gubermint propaganda of all humans breathing just the same. Spread the trooth!

Below average:

Tbqh, I'm below average at spotting any subtle fault of mine.

I mean: I never had anybody criticize me, I can't look and see if somebody is subtlety suggesting I did a taboo, I can't see if I missed something nor do I pay attention lest it's throbbing in my mind. I just can't lest I do an intensive spot check or remember everything that should go right for a thing.

Whether it be a blessing or curse, it shall make me wonder as people tend to claim I am a perfectionist. Yet if I were so, wouldn't I be a wee bit conscious of subtle errors on me. But idk tbqh anymore, nor do I care since if I can see it and control it, then it is worthy of my concern.

Yet, if it is not, then I possess a lack of worry or defer to a more authoritative person. Why to bother with a thing outta my control when I can take care of more smaller nuisances that are within my control? It's just one of those things that get me cracked up sometimes when someone spots a lil' fault/problem on my appearance. For it isn't worth the trouble to get angry, just recognize I can control it and go accordingly with what the problem is.

Uh huh Uh huh... [glazed eyes].... I fully agree with whatever you are saying!

Charisma! LOL! Sure it wasn't modesty? But that said, I do enjoy reading your posts and comments that you drop, so I can imagine if you are a bit like that in the real world, it would be quite engaging and pleasant to be around, and that would lead to a good deal of good will!

Haha... you joke, but there are some pretty awesome breathers. My wife who does yoga, she has pretty phenomenal breath control... as do divers... and wind players... I tried to play an oboe once... I nearly passed out from lack of oxygen afterwards!

I think we are all quite below average in seeing our faults! Hence the question! Often, I find if there is a skill that I profess to be bad at, I suspect that other people would offer a different skill that they thought that I was bad at!

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Okay this one is going to be a little harder. It is fun to think about.

For above average I am going to say being a friend. I feel that I can back that up a bit as I know that most of my friend consider me a pretty close friend. I have been the best man to 3 of them and those speeches I gave worked out well. I always have pushed myself to be there for my friends and I always will.

For just average I am going to say cooking. I feel like I can make food you can eat and it isn't bad. At the same time it isn't anything special. I a going to put myself at Average though case here in America I feel like most of us are below. Many of my friends can't cook at all it is quite sad.

For below average I am going to with writing . This is cause I enter a lot of contest here and I really feel like my story is great. But I never win. I am that I think I am better than I am. The I go a read the post of the people that do win and I am like oh that is a lot better.

Wow, that is a great thing to be above average in! Being a solid friend is really an important thing, and something that I hadn't thought about when I wrote the question!

Average cooking! I think I'm with you there, I can do it and it is pretty okay, but there are many people who just do some amazing stuff with their cooking! At least, I don't leave a huge mess though...

I'm the same with the writing! I haven't entered any of the writing competitions, but when I look at the stuff that wins... I think WOW, that really is another level!

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I think I am above average in science knowledge because I have studied a chemistry degree, and most people respect science but does not really care about it, not even at divulgation level.

I think I am above average at English for not native speakears because I have a B1 level and I am doing the B2 Cambridge exam in march 2019

I think I am below average at emotional intelligence because emotions affect me too much and it is a bit difficult for me to know what other people feels and to use the appropiate language depending of my relationship with them

Posted using Partiko Android

I also have a science degree and I often forget that the knowledge and skills that we have acquired is not universally shared among the larger population. I can even blather on and on... Not realising that I've lost people a while back in the conversation...

Good luck with the English exam, it seems (at least you're written English) pretty decent!


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  1. Above average: That was an easy one: laziness. I am the laziest person I know. (Then again, I don't know that many people, see 3.) I just work/do enough to get by. No greed & virtually no ambition. (Hmm, well, obviously enough greed to participate here.)
  2. That was the hardest one. Couldn't think of anything, until I remembered my height. In my generation I'm actually of exactly the average height.
  3. This was easy again: I'm way way below average in social skills. I like to be alone & to be left alone, always did. Hence I never developed good skills to get along with others.

Ha ha, that was funny! Being above average in laziness! Now are you sure? Can you provide examples? Are you in the top 1 percentile?

Well, eg. I haven't worked since June or July last year. Just living from the money I earned in the years before (& trying to earn some through cryptocurrencies). I usually only do what is necessary or fun (or a combination thereof, like cycling).
I have lots of material about China which I could post on Steemit, but I spent my time rather sleeping, eating & reading the news. I always plan to do more, but whether I really get to it?
I'm probably not in the top percentile, because I am too much of a Libertarian. I refuse to live off the state's money. So, if necessary, I actually do something to earn a living.

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I was also very surprised by the bounty from last week man, thinking either you eat steem for breakfast of you had a very good payout on it!!

Anyway, it doesnt feel fair me taking the whole thing so I will send back 0.8 SBD that can be used extra to bounty another post or be divided over the others!

Back to the topic!!

  • I think Im above average in social skills in real life conversations, making me a friend everybody wants to have (this does sounds very cocky ej hahahahha)
    -I think I am average in what I find that people should value in life
    -I think I am below average when it comes to self-discipline or in terms of keeping a rhythm for myself

Thanks for the kind gesture! I will distribute it evenly among the participants of the last giveaway... (28 wallet transactions coming up!) and you get a 100% upvote!

I'll drop back later for the actual topic!

Sounds like a bit of a happy go lucky personality there! Chatting away to others is definitely a good skill to have, I wish I could do it more often, but I often find that I want to just retreat instead...

Keeping a routine can also be pretty tricky... I'm not sure about your work life, but I'm a freelancer, and so it means there is very little in the way of rhythm to our lives... In fact the kid's schooling and daycare schedule is the thing that has forced us into a routine!

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Well, I am going with driving as my first and as my last answer. I think that I am an above average driver in the sense that I have driven for over 40 years now and have not been in an accident and only got one ticket. Truth is that I am a very defensive driver since for most of my life, I had old, shitty cars where I couldn't rely on being able to speed up to get out of a situation or that my brakes are very strong.
At the same time, I am a below average driver - at night. As my eyes get older, the lights (both street lights and oncoming cars) bother me more and more and I avoid driving at night when I can.
Average - that one is hard to choose. So many things!! I am an average decision maker. There are only a few things I am very clear on and manifest them very fast. For most things, I see so many possibilities and go back and forth what might be the right decision...

As I've been going through the various answers... I've started to wonder if defensiveness and politeness in driving and the fact that we haven't had accidents is really a good measure for skill? By the sounds of things, it seems like I'm a similar sort of driver (with similar sorts of cars!), but I start to wonder how my driving skills would hold up in abnormal driving events (skids, ice that sort of thing)... perhaps that would be a better determinant of driving skills?

Meandering back and forth on decision making... that doesn't sound good, but hopefully you end up making a decision!

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  1. I'm above average when it comes to meditation. I feel like most people struggle with silence or trying to clear the mind.

  2. I'm average when it comes to healthy eating habits. I do well most of the time, but I love sweets.

  3. I think I'm good at communication, but recently I've noticed that I struggle to listen and prefer to be the one talking all of the time. I think in reality, this is probably an area I could improve in.

Thanks for the thought provoking post!

P.S. I'm definitely in the top 50% of drivers out there too.

Oof, you're definitely above me when it comes to meditation. I tried it for a few weeks but just never quite figured it out. My mind was always thinking about something. It was impossible to clear it of thoughts. It felt like trying to pump all the air out of a room while the window was open.

Meditation! My wife is just starting out on that... she tells me that zoning out in the shower isn't the same thing! It weird what she explains what it is (although, she is just starting, so I guess only just learning what it feels like)... It sounds like something that is both relaxing and invigorating!

Healthy eating.... I have a guilty confession here... I am usually (nowadays, now that my stomach rebels at the thought of junk food) pretty okay with what I'm eating... not great, but not terrible... but last night I had MacDonalds for the first time in a long time. I was late home from work, and I just wanted to have the ease of the drive through... I regret it this morning.... Bleah!

Ha, it's great that you notice the listening/talking imbalance! I tend to err on the listening side of things myself... until I hit a topic that I'm particularly nerdy about, and then you can see the other person trying to escape!

Me too, top 50% of the drivers as well... it's all the other commenters that bring the average down!

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  1. Intelligence

  2. Driving

  3. Social Skills/reading people


Above Average

I think i am above average regarding humor! I don't really know the lvl of humor when i use English as i don't think i can express myself that easily but in my native language i always make the other laugh no matter the age and without making a fool of myself or being the "clown"

Also i think i am above average in the use of logic. That may sound a bit weird and honestly i would prefer not to say this and everyone to be in a higher level that me but from what i am seeing, duck-face, showing their asses and boobs on instagram and fb, all these social justice warriors, men like me behaving like dumbness etc etc (i could speak hours about this)

I could say kindness,respect etc etc but i think it all comes to down to the basic logic that even though it as it says "basic" the majority of people don't follow these principals and i don't know why


In everything else i have tried for over 6 months i think i am in the average category, driving,cleaning,cooking etc etc

Below Average

This that i haven't tried before or have tried 1-2 times. I don't have something specific to say, maybe riding a motorbike, driving a plane, a boat, fighting,singing, dancing all these things :P

Logic and humour seem to go hand in hand, at least in the people that I know (or maybe it is my sense of humour). Being funny often requires a really quick mind...

I have some thoughts on kindness and respect... I don't think that people don't follow them, but more that people apply these principles to different circles of people.

Fighting... Definitely, I would be way below average there I think,

i think if they are respectful and kind towards certain circles of people that just hypocrisy, they just being like that for personal benefits.

at fighting i will either punch someone till somebody stops me cause i blur with anger or i will have my ass kicked badly! there is not inbetween so i think i am way below that average :p

I'm not sure I agree, we all do the same. We tend to have better attributes and respect for those who are important to us (family and friends)... The further away we go (like some unknown person in a country on the other side of the planet), we don't tend to examine the consequences of our actions on how it affects them. Of course, we all have different rates of dropping off in the care and respect...

I've haven't been in a fight since primary school... I think if I was involved now, I would probably do my best imitation of a punching bag.

I would probably do my best imitation of a punching bag.


We tend to have better attributes and respect for those who are important to us (family and friends)... The further away we go (like some unknown person in a country on the other side of the planet)

I think those people like family and friends they earned our respect otherwise we just wouldn't speak with our parents or have those people as friends. When you meet a completely unknown person or have to deal with one the basic logic is to be on alert because you basically know nothing about him/her. That doesn't mean though that you can't be kind to them like with your close people. Respect must be earned though.

we don't tend to examine the consequences of our actions on how it affects them.

that's quite true and many studies have indicated that this has 2 different aspects. The first one that because of that and greed the world is like that. The other aspect is a little bit different and it's regarding deaths,catastrophes etc etc of people that we know and we don't know. If we know them then it gonna affects us deeply, if not the next day we gonna move on with out lives and that's part of our evolution.

We adapt and we don't let things affect that that bad, we move on. Just imagine if a death of person in another country due to a heavy raining affected us the same a death of a beloved one. What i want to say is that we be should be kind to everyone and not depending on the person, we should just be ourselves and later on depending on the replies we get or they things, we learn or know we can either respect or not the other person

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Thank you for the win from the last Contest! .👍

  • What do you think are you above average in?
    I would say djing on record decks with vinyl because most people these days just mix at partys on digital cd decks or mp3 linked to computers, i do it old skool 🎧
  • What do you think that are about average in?
    I would say im about average at swimming, i can go for a few hundred metres if i absolutely had to, doggy paddle is my best but can do backstroke and front crawl 🏊
  • What do you think you are above average in, but suspect that in all honesty are probably below or only just average?
    I'm gonna say my partying ability, I used to be able to go on for days non stop and be the last man standing but I'm not finding it as easy anymore I'm getting! 💃

No problem, thank the Random Number Generator!

Wow, DJ-ING! That does sound pretty interesting. I've seen people do it, but I'm not really at home in those environments, but it looks pretty tricky, especially if you are using records!

Lol! Doggy paddle! I don't think I've swum that stroke for a very very long time! I often choose breaststroke as my strongest swimming style.

You are way ahead of me for partying, in sure! I'm a piker!

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What do you think are you above average in?
I think that i think too much, but that's not a skill.
My range of interests is way to broad to be good at anything. So I tend to know a lot of useless shit. :-)

What do you think that are about average in?
Everithing that my mind finds interesting enough

What do you think you are above average in, but suspect that in all honesty are probably below or only just average?
Steemit. :-) I find it interesting, but for some reason not interesting enough. Or there are too many distractions.

It's great to have interest in a wide range of things, especially in these years of ever increasing specialisation. Too often we all get into our little silos, not being able to solve problems because we don't have the skills or experience to bring about a new and novel approach that might just well be the thing that would work. The past used to belong more to the general education, on the other hand, it was much more of a lower hanging fruit environment!

Im trying to expand out on Steem, so that I increase the variety of my feed. Although, it is hard to find the time to read everything that I'm interested in...

the ever increasing specialisation is indeed a problem, specially for me, as i feel ever more stupid the more interests i gain as everything is increasingly overcomplicated.

My bank recently updated their website it took me a day to figure out how to make a payment... Total waste of time for something that should be as intuitive as a fart

Steemit also narrows the focus since people follow you for their special focus, if you don't feed their focus enough then they stop following

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Above average = writing ability
Average = math
I think I'm above average but probably below = This is more difficult because if you had asked what am I below average at, I'd have to say social etiquette, or small talk, or something along those lines. But you're asking what do I believe I am above average at but afraid that I may only be average or below average. I'll have to say driving. Ha ha!

Haha, yes driving... the classic one! It's hard to tell if we are really good or not, as having (or not having accidents) isn't the only thing that determines our skill! Definitely, in normal situations I would say that I'm okay and that I'm a polite driver, but in abnormal situations or interesting events, I'm not sure if my skill would be good enough!

I think I'm a pretty good driver, but my wife criticizes it. Most likely, I'm average.

Me too... But I think my wife is a terrible passenger!

Ha ha. Don't tell her I agreed with you. :-D

Phew... Lucky we are using the encrypted channel and not the public part of the chain!... Oh, wait...

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Poker is my answer for all three. I use to play allot and certainly was above average at one point and I like to think I a still am but in truth when I sit down to play I realize my game needs tweaking to today's standard of play which makes think I become average. In poker when you think you are average its highly likely you are behind the curve and are below average.

I'd only just started to learn the that poker came in different flavours and how the betting worked. I only knew about the hands. I can see how it would become a really in depth game and one that would easily lead you to overconfidence before a big fall!

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Above average: General intelligence, pattern recognition, recognizing faces
Below average: Social intelligence, physical coordination

It's hard for me to think what I'm average at. I have an extreme personality: I either very good or very bad at things.

Pattern recognition! That's a dangerous one... sometimes there just is no pattern! I have a really hard time recognising faces... I really don't seem to manage if I haven't seen someone for a week or so!

There may not be intentional patterns, but my mind assembles consistent patterns in many contexts. For example, bathroom tiles are normally squares laid end to end. The only intentional pattern is the arrangement of the floor into squares. My mind sees patterns of squares in perpendicular rows and even more complex patterns like rows of crosses.

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1: With order, I am extremely organized in my home and work.

2: In the kitchen.

3: In the dance.

Thanks for the entry! Very concise and to the point!

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Kiwibot and run by Rishi556, you can check both of them out there. To receive maximum rewards, you must be a member of KiwiBot. To receive free upvotes for yourself (even if you are not a member) you can join the KiwiBot Discord linked hereYou got voted by @curationkiwi thanks to Bengy (also musicapoetica)! This bot is managed by and use the command !upvote (post name) in #curationkiwi.

Rishi556You got voted by @votefun thanks to Bengy (also musicapoetica). To support development, check out . Hosted on the @cryptowithincin discord.

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @sbi-booster.

I see the bounty redistribute! That's very sweet of them!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, it was really nice of her!

What do you think are you above average ?

mobile playstore games all the time lol

Ha ha! But just for a complete entry you h have to answer all the questions!

emmm got it!

2nd get to gather with kick-ass friiends

its just becouse.... in the games i do agressive and 2 years ago i broke my playstation 3 just becouse i lost. it was my big mistake and in the friends get to gather i dont know why but its just happen all the time.

apologize for bad english lol

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