hmmmmm I'll play! :)
I love answers rather than questions. Questions can spin around and around, generating more questions and sometimes - more confusion! I feel like sometimes people love to LIVE in the questions and they love ambiguity and mystery - just for the sake of being elusive and coy. I don't mind questions - I actually love them! But I like to know that the questions are being asked for legitimate purposes. Remember the class clown that always had ridiculous questions - JUST to disrupt the flow of the class? I don't like anything like that at all! LOL
and answers.... I love them. Real answers. Answers that people have taken the time to stop for a moment, and search their hearts and minds for the things that matter and that will matter to others. I love those answers that bring you peace. Those answers are not always the positives that we hope for! But - even the negatives (that we are hoping against) can bring us closure and allow us to move on!
Beginnings or ends.
I suppose it makes a big difference what we're talking about! LOL The beginning of a diet? or a workout program? or a move??? no. nope! I can't wait til it's ended (or at least into a regular rhythm and pattern! hehehehe) But.... the beginning of a friendship or those beginnings of our dating someone new in our teens (or maybe adulthood too!)
Those were so fun! The energy, the excitement, the never-ending fascination, the long nights, the ridiculous talking sessions, kisses that never stopped! hehehehe those were super fun times! Hopefully there are a few OLD MARRIED couples that still have all that passion burning :)
Those are my answers!!! :)
Phew! Working my way up the comments!
I love questions! Not just because I'm elusive and coy... although, I can be elusive... not so sure about the coy part! But yes, definitely as you said, they have to be relevant questions! I remember in my Theoretical Physics days, there was a person that just kept asking questions... I guess they thought that asking questions by itself was a good thing... however, if they just listened, they would have found the answers already in what was already said... or on the blackboard... right in front of their faces.... Answers, closure... that's a good thing, regardless of which way it goes (good or bad), sometimes just knowing brings a sense of relief and peace. Or more questions....
LOL, you start a diet/workout to finish it? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it? I thought those things were supposed to be lifestyle changes rather than a temporary readjustment! Which is why I don't even try to start them... let's start spying on OLD MARRIED couples... just for research!
hahahahaha lets just start spying on ALL people. BWAHA HAAAAAAAAAAAA
and yeah - i start a diet to hit a certain goal.
like lose 20 pounds
hahahaha once i do that - i'm like woo hoo. beat it diet!
What is this pounds that you talk about? Is it anything like the currency that @c0ff33a and @eveningart use in their country?
So you diet until you lose money? Americans are plenty strange...
I did this bet thing once... On a site called Healthywage.
You bet them that you can lose the weight you propose in a certain amount of time.
Wager...and then if you do. You win
I won $2150 hehhehe
.... nothing is more annoying than having the steam taken out of a perfectly good ridiculous tangent with a truthful anecdote!
The winners and the new question (Inventions and Technology) can be found here :