Weekly meet a new steemian and SBD giveaway--- 100% of SBDS given away.

in #newbiegames7 years ago

Feel like a little fish in a big pond?

Welcome to the weekly meetup just for you.

The purpose of this contest is to meet new people, have exposure for something you created this week, and a chance to win SBD.

Sometimes really cool posts get lost in the flood of posts especially for those of us that are new, don’t have a large following or cannot afford advertising. I would like to give new users a chance to have some of their work viewed by a larger part of the steemit community and also a chance at some SBD both for entering and also commenting. Everyone says comment, comment, comment…


  1. Best post with a #newbieresteemday tag 40% of SBD from this post
  2. Best post by a redfish = 40% of SBD payout from this post
  3. Best comment = 10% of SBD payout from this post ANYONE IS eligible for this award
  4. Redfish interact prize = 10% of SBD payout split up between all redfish that link and comment but don’t win.

To enter the contest:

  1. Post a link to 1 thing you created this week and a quick description about content… the description is not necessary but helps draw people in.
  2. Read a post by at least 2 other contestants and comment on at least one that you really liked or felt motivated to respond to.
  3. To be eligible to win best post you must be a redfish (less than 1000SP)

To win the contest:

The best comment will be decided by myself.
The best post will be awarded based on the number of votes a post receives.
Each comment is worth 1 vote for the post.
Each upvote is worth ½ a vote for a post.

Here is an example:


If we use this example: @sawi would get 5 votes.
There are 5 upvotes minus a self-vote =2 votes
1 from @jysui + 1 from @williamsyee + 1 from @ailenepm for the comments = 3 votes

The fine print...
  1. Contest closes a week from today, the sooner you post the more likely you are to get more votes.
  2. An upvote is not required to join this contest but, as the prize is a % of the SBD payout it is encouraged that you upvote and resteem to increase the prize payout.
  3. Payout will be within 24 hours of this posts expiration and will be announced in a winners post.
  4. I reserve the right to refuse payment and award prize to someone else if you are caught buying votes.

Here is a link to last weeks if you need an idea of how we play.

Please do not add bots that COMMENT to this post as it distracts from what we are doing.


This is a great idea. I'll submit a funny story I wrote about an old coworker and how people's minds can change as they get older and see more of the world for what it is.

Warning - contains adult humor and language.


I read your story and the first thing I thought of was, if only Uber were around then, you guys would have made a lot more money! (LOL) The world changes quickly and what we thought in the 90's is so different today. In the 90's being gay was still pretty taboo, now no one really thinks twice about it. So I can understand why you acted they way you did, you didn't know any better. Good story~

Thanks. I still don't know anything about Uber, but I'll take your word for it. We don't even have one cab where I live now.

Oh wow! You must live in a remote area.

Me and @pyrathepixie read that together, then had a fifteen minute argument about whether Josh was right about that making him gay. It was hilarious.

It does.

I used to think so, but now I don't care if it does. I'm just glad he enjoyed it.

Great story, although I think it's rather sad than funny.
Because, you know, things haven't really changed that much.
When I take a look at my male friends, I see most of them still being rather homophobe. If you ask them, they say they're not, but I can see every single one still believes that gay men are predators, just waiting to have their go with them....

Yeah I see what you mean. I just don't hang around with those guys anymore, but the last time I went home, I do remember hearing the odd derogatory slur or joke, just not as many people laughing or encouraging. That gives me hope that the breed will die out.

I share that hope :0)

It was really a funny and interesting story that I wanted it to continue. Nice one bro 👍

Thanks, Kenneth. I can tell you how it ended. We walked to the pub and I had a beer while they walked the rest of the way home. I got pretty drunk and when I woke up the next morning I got a phone call from a girl that said we had sex the night before. I got very excited until my friend got on the phone and said that they were joking. They just saw how drunk I was and decided to play a joke. I'll put that whole story in a post, because what I did to her was pretty funny and borderline cruel.

I'm entering my space artwork again. I hope you enjoy. :3

Ya really need to check your reply tab ya pixie.

As good as it was when I first saw it.

I like the top one best, thanks for sharing your work :-)

I like the bottom one the best.

Thank you @royaleagle for hosting games for newbies! I really appreciate your time and effort :)

This is my today's post to help improve the quality of your love relationship with your partners. You will get to discover what is Love Language and why you should know your own and your partner's love language. It'll definitely change your current relationship quality.

Wow! I never thought of this and this is my first time knowing love languages! I hope you able to get the most out of it from this 5 love languages book.

Thank you @tifaong for sharing this!

Thank you very much @williamsyee for reading. This concept surprisingly has existed as long as love ever existed yet few people know about this. I'm glad you're now one of the few people who know.

Yes, I am re-reading this book again!

Act of service and quality time I guest are both the most powerful of love languages between couples.

Most of the time, yes. But to maximize your expression your love, it's best to express them in your partner's love language and its dialects. Not all methods in Acts of Service will work for everyone with Act of Service love language. It takes effort to learn and adapt to your partner's love language.

Thank you for sharing this concept! It's really sad to think of how many relationships have been given up on because they weren't speaking the same love language. I scored highest on quality time and acts of service, gift giving generally doesn't mean much to me. Very enlightening post!

Thank you @bryarose23 for reading and spending your time doing the quiz. Yes, and those relationships could've been rescued if they realize they're just not speaking the right love language.

I see, so your primary love language is quality time and acts of service. Great! I'll be doing future posts on how your partner or potential partner can do to express their love to you :)

Thanks alot for this opportunity,i recently wrote a poem on "echoes of tomorrow" which depicit why our voices need to be heard,why it gives us hope and strength for tomorrow..https://steemit.com/poetry/@samostically/echoes-of-tomorrow

Thats a wonderful poem. Youre very talented in your writing. I loved the way it flowed... brought a big smile to my face! Thanks for sharing :)

I always love poetry. The condensed word used, the strong word in every line, and deep meaning inside!

Thank you for sharing this poem, I enjoyed reading it keeping posting and displaying your talents @samostically!

Thanks for sharing this, it is a very hopeful poem. There is one typo on this line. "To set thr rhythm and tune is in our hands,"
Just change the "thr" to "the" before its locked on the blockchain forever. God Bless. :)

Hey, read your article, fascinating coin. I think I'm going to download the app. Can't argue with free money. :-)

It's a very interesting coin :) Every dollar counts! In terms of profitability with an android phone, it FAR surpasses mining or any other coin earning gig.

did you know that sweetcoin was invented by the Russians? I walk a lot but I don't have a smartphone so I can't get coins for walking.

Great initiative you're taking here. It actually helps people to get more readers. I admire your ongoing commitment. It's always nice to see other people putting in an effort to help out others.
I wish my VP was higher, so I could give every contestant something. Unfortunately, I don't have any to spare at the moment.

I just checked, and I'm still under 1000SP, so I can join the contest. 😁

I wrote this a couple of days ago. At the time, I had lost all hope and trust in SteemIt after writing a very trivial post that got a lot of upvotes; while my thoughtful posts disappeared without being seen. I didn't know what to think of that and SteemIt in general. I came to the conclusion that SteemIt is just as fucked up as the real world is...
I think we've all experienced this at one point. But then you've got to grab yourself together and move on...

So Many SteemIt Contradictions... I’m Completely Lost :0(

I am sort of in the middle of the road. Maybe because I don't have Facebook. I do try to find better content though. Funny is good if it has a purpose as well.

Thanks for your post, and know it got you another follower.

I wrote a post about communism and gun control.

Its a damned thing how many Americans believe the lies about communism, specially in the South. Thank God for the Redneck Revolt.

I like your post, and the angle you come at it from, but I disagree with people freely able to get guns. I took a course in firearm safety and had to apply to obtain a license to obtain and possess firearms. I could have jumped through more hoops and got a restricted firearm permit, but I really have no use for a handgun.

Relatively speaking, we have very few shootings here, and even fewer instances of mass shootings, and I have never thought that anyone was going to try to take something that was mine at gunpoint.

I'm not a communist though, but I would like to live in a commune.

Canada is a strange land with a strange people. Typically areas with more severe gun control suffer from increases in violent crime rates including rape and murder. Canada and some Scandinavian countries beat this trend, I believe due to cultural and socio-economic policies that while not perfect are currently the envy of the world.

Yep, definitely not perfect, but I sure do love it here. Maybe someday, on your way to Alaska, you can stop in for a few days and check it out here. ;)

The communism is suggest that power must be taken and can not be given, and can only be taken by power of its people too...Gun is the easiest way to gain control and power.

Its funny to see you and your gramdpa agree on something.

WAAAYYY to many guns here in the United States. You can support the second amendment (right to bear arms) and still have common sense gun regulation. It's not one or the other. Military grade weapons in the hands of civilians is a recipe for a disaster (and future disasters). Just my opinion.

Military grade weapons are already banned and have been for decades. You can not support the constitution and gun regulation at the same time as they are opposing forces.

Military grade weapons are readily available on the streets today. "Bump Stocks" (which are legal) turn semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons or machine guns. Which was the case in the Vegas Massacre. And I can TOTALLY support the constitution and gun regulation at the same time - and I do. When the 2nd amendment was written (right to bear arms) it was written in the time of the musket - which took about 2 and a half minutes to drop the bullet and the gun powder into the nozzle of the gun before it was ready to fire. Advanced weaponry needs our attention via common sense gun regulation.

Not acknowledging that there is a problem . . . is the problem.

On the streets? Yes you can illegally buy anything, but laws affect nobody but those willing to follow them. But please try to go and legally purchase any military grade weapon. Come back when you have a fully automatic M-4 or a grenade/rocket launcher.

Actually trained soldiers like those in the British military could shoot 3 times a minute, elite units could shoot 4 times. And that was the musket. Fully automatic weaponry did exist when the constitution was written, and more to the point, the purpose of the constitution was to ensure the people would always have access to the same weaponry the government does.

Acting like guns are the problem, is the problem.

Countries with gun control or strait up bans often have mush higher murder rates, but nobody cares about murder, unless several are committed at one time.

Also, "bump stocks" do not turn semi-automatic weapons into automatic ones, they simulate a higher firing rate yes, but with an even further reduction in accuracy over truly automatic weaponry.

As anyone with proper training knows, automatic weaponry is only effective for cover fire. As targeted firing requires accuracy and even military grade automatic weaponry with bi/tripods trade accuracy for the ability to lay down effective suppressive fire.

I'd like to know what your opinion is on how people are supposed to stay safe if their ability to defend themselves is lessened. Even ignoring that the second amendment is intended to allow us to fight our government, how can people protect themselves from lesser criminals?

Gun control is so stupid what we need is people control.

Thanks for continuing to host this contest!

Ever wondered what kind of choices AI may make if given the sole responsibility of determining the path of humanities survivors? Find out in A Tale of AI Companionship!

Yes, AI is open the gate to unlimited possibilities, unlimited value creation, and interaction..

this a very interesting project, so we really interact with other steemian in real meaning..thanks

That is the hope that you interact with other steemians and you get paid for it!

I really appreciate what're doing..thanks again.

A great trip we had with my fellow steemians and co teachers.. Enjoy Cebu by reading my blog..

This post is about my daughter and my lovely morning before a large rain! Its always a lovely day for planting! :)

It's short and sweet!! Your daughter is so vibrant and cute. God bless you and your family.
Do you also plant other stuff?

Thanks! We plant a lot! Now what actually grows, is a little different of a list! LOL We do herbs, basil, cilantro, parsley etc, we plant peppers of all sorts, tomatoes of all sorts, squash, onions... We are trying out potatoes this year. Its a process but so exciting when the first burst of green grows from the dirt. Its great to teach the little one too. She gets to learn and has a great time getting dirty!

Great!! Where do you learn to plant all these? I'm also thinking to have my own little garden when I move in to my new house with my boyfriend. We plan to grow our own vegetables too :)

Oh, its quite easy! There are certain seasons that are better for certain veggies. You can find a lot of info online on that subject. But really, it can be as easy as getting some good dirt and seeds, filling a pot 3/4 up with dirt, then some seeds, and topping with a little more dirt! A good watering daily if you dont have rain and youre good to go! When the little green sprout comes up from the dirt, you know youve done good!

You make it sound so easy, which is great!
And when the green sprouts, I bet the sense of satisfaction is huge!

That is so cute! I loved the part where she's like "wooo,planting strawberries is hard" so cute

Thanks :) Shes an absolute trip! She comes out with the funniest comments and I have no idea where they come from! Shes an old soul, no doubt!

I can't wait for spring time here so we can start planting. We grow a lot of vegetables here in the summer. I love the way you ended your post: Peace, Love and strawberries. Wish more people thought like that.

Thank you! Im with you on the spring time... Im about tired of all this darn rain and cold! It hasnt stopped raining yet :/

So many value can be learn from planting. Deep interaction with nature so w ecan touch , feel, push. The activity is very good as for physical exercise and also mind and soul.

Thanks for the comment! I agree completely. I love that she enjoys doing it so much. We could all use a little more grounding :)

i love doing gardening also in my spare time...picking up the grass, just for physical exercise, sweating, not for something really serious actually..

Its an enjoyable thing to do! And yes, a great exercise! The weather here has been so bad lately, I cant wait for it to calm down so we can really get busy! Yesterday morning it was 74 degrees, by this morning it was 34 degrees and felt like 27 degrees. Its been pouring down rain all day! Cant wait for some stable weather so we can get outside and enjoy!

I authored this post yesterday and it is a short description of where I live. In the post I also tagged @newbieresteemday.

Nice! Your place seems filled with fresh air thanks to those trees and the plantations u mentioned.

I wish you posted more pictures :) It would be cool to see more of your orchard!

Lol... May be i will some other time.

Thanks @royaleagle for another week contest! I saw my name on your image :)
Here is my link for this week.
My girlfriend surprised me with this delicious bingsu (Korean shaved ice dessert with sweet toppings) on our V-Day!


The bingsu looks so nice! And the waiter did a good job! His boss should encourage more of this random acts of kindness in his business.

I'm glad you have a wonderful Valentine's celebration with your girlfriend, @williamsyee :)

Wanna make an extra $10 dollars on coinbase (the cryptocurrency platform)? Here's how . . . https://steemit.com/btc/@tedtv/get-usd10-free-on-coinbase

This post I made is helpful to men and women. Ever wonder how you can improve the look of your skin? After all you look at yourself in the mirror everyday. This is how . . . https://steemit.com/health/@tedtv/foods-for-gorgeous-skin

About joining steemit a conversation to help understand.

My contemplation to everyday activity in morning time with my lovely daughter, how she pushing me to be a better person..

Thank you!

Thanks royaleagle! , I wrote a story called "13 Horses". It is about a 13 year old boy who receives a stallion for his birthday from his Dad. It is a parable about confronting our emotions and feelings, so please see part 2 for the explanation. I'd love to hear feedback on it.

My uncle used to train horses with force, and always told me that you had to make them listen to you. I never could, and maybe that's lead to some bad bites and a broken foot, but I wouldn't change it. Thirty years later I went to my uncle's farm and he was as gentle as can be. He said it took years to learn that a horse may listen, but until they trust you, you never fully realize their capabilities. Good post.

Thanks so much for reading it, here part 2 which explains the symbolism. The story is really only secondary. https://steemit.com/writing/@giddyupngo/short-story-13-horses-explanation-part-2

Thank you for this opportunity~ Here is a post I wrote about Oil Pulling. Most people have no idea what that is, so I wrote a quick post explaining the benefits of oil pulling and how to do it yourself.

I don't know anything about this, but I will definitely be looking into it. Thanks.


This is a post I made a few hours ago, its about my home and pictures that represent the place I live in. I chose pictures taken from our house. Hope you guys enjoy it :D
Btw I resteemed and upvoted your post! I truly love your contests and more power to you sir!

Beautiful Sunset picture!

Great photos, no matter where we live, nature has a way of giving her glory, so we can enjoy life at its best. That last photo really stands out. looks like the angels are having a party.

Im glad u guys liked it! Thank you for checking it out

One cool thing I created this week is a community growth oriented charity competition. Its designed to give up and coming Steemians exposure and networking, along with memberships to SteemBasicIncome sponsored by myself. Please consider my entry and if you feel strongly about growing the Steemit community, feel free to join in.


Everyone should enter @terminallyill's contest.

Nice initiatives, i want to share my self talk for killing time waiting..enjoy!

Interesting flash questioning of yourself. You should do a contest like that with quick questions.

please do..it will great!

I am saying you @bagindooo should do the contest.

I haven't got enough resources to do so brother..maybe in near future when thing are getting better...thank for putting your incredible thought into my post..


This is my podcast, the Baller Vibes Podcast in it I bring to you news, rumors, story lines and my opinions surrounding the #NBA, this episode includes my thoughts on Lebron vs. Fox News