
Thanks! We plant a lot! Now what actually grows, is a little different of a list! LOL We do herbs, basil, cilantro, parsley etc, we plant peppers of all sorts, tomatoes of all sorts, squash, onions... We are trying out potatoes this year. Its a process but so exciting when the first burst of green grows from the dirt. Its great to teach the little one too. She gets to learn and has a great time getting dirty!

Great!! Where do you learn to plant all these? I'm also thinking to have my own little garden when I move in to my new house with my boyfriend. We plan to grow our own vegetables too :)

Oh, its quite easy! There are certain seasons that are better for certain veggies. You can find a lot of info online on that subject. But really, it can be as easy as getting some good dirt and seeds, filling a pot 3/4 up with dirt, then some seeds, and topping with a little more dirt! A good watering daily if you dont have rain and youre good to go! When the little green sprout comes up from the dirt, you know youve done good!

You make it sound so easy, which is great!
And when the green sprouts, I bet the sense of satisfaction is huge!


HUGE like 🌍🌍 XD XD

I feel you :)