I love to debate to the point that I will fight you for hours on a side that I truly don't even agree with. For this reason I love questions. Good questions that make you think. Or on topics that get people mad on one side or the other. I will always take the side harder to defend if given the chance cause then if I beat you for sure you where not ready for the debate you got into. One of the easiest ways to win is with questions. If you know a few facts to back up your side you can frame some great questions and when they can't answer you lead them down a path that proves their side wrong. Cause really most big issues have a right and wrong side on both sides of it.
I like beginnings. At that point in the story things can go anywhere. Endings very rarely have everything you want. Often on purpose cause they want to write another book or have another movie. At the start of something it is new and exciting and full of so much promise. At the end something you are just ready for it to be over.
Ha ha, but that can be a rhetorical tactic that leads to a false dichotomy! Proving one side wrong (partly or fully), doesn't necessarily prove the other side right... But I guess you know that already! If it is only for the debating game it is a useful tool, but too often it lands in political or policy debate...
True I just always try to make sure I understand where the other side is coming from. It is much easier to debate someone if you understand what it is they want or what is driving them to have those feelings cause sometimes you can show them at on your side there is a path to get what they want. Or you can go about proving why they don't really want that. There are lots of ways to do this. Given after a bit I will tell them that I don't agree when what I am saying and they just need to be more prepared for people to attack their thoughts the way I did if they plan to debate them. It is fun to do with the people that show up at my door asking for me to vote for someone.
The winners and the new question (Inventions and Technology) can be found here :