Facebook has recently been declining to address why it has been deleting certain political accounts but not others. They had recently deleted Kadyrov’s Instagram (Facebook owns Instagram) and Facebook profiles after the United States imposed travel and economic sanctions on him over allegations of human rights abuses. In an article in the New York Times it said that they have a legal obligation to disabled accounts that have been confirmed to be run by someone on the US sanctions list yet they have not disabled accounts of others in the same list such as the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and Guatemalan congressman Julio Antonio Juárez.
A company spokeswoman told the Guardian:
“We operate under the constraints of US laws, which vary by circumstance.”
“We will continue to work with appropriate government authorities to ensure we meet our legal obligations and to explore options for complying with the law in a way that maximises free expression on our platform and keeps people safe.”
Civil liberties groups are concerned that the economic sanctions imposed by the US are being used to censor political speech.
Something that would never be able to happen on the Steem blockchain, even if the Steemit UI itself were to remove it from sight or the bad whales were to flag it down, the content written on it can never be deleted and even if edited the original would still be able to be read. The censorship resistant advantage of the Steem blockchain has already proven itself to withstand anything in the past and I believe more and more people looking for free speech will be drawn to it in the near future.
I love the part: " we operate under the constraints of US laws, which vary by circumstance" . Well there you go haha, basically completely in the governments hands to do what they want.
Indeed Steemit is a great political free zone in this way and very unique. Here we can definitely showcase the powers of a decentralized social platform.
This line is just too good, as it is often said that rules are made to be broken. Blockchain has the potential to disrupt big government and big brother surveillance.
The Steemit platform and the likes are but just the beginning, we will have to just wait and see how the entire internet is changed by blockchain
Indeed Steemit is a free zone of speech and it’s great to be unhindered by Big Brother but we have to take the risk in consideration too. How about propaganda of evil acts such as terrorism? As much as I enjoy this freedom I would rather not have them enjoy too
it goes two ways....sometimes that's not the best way it works for the rest of us. following you now.
and upvoted you too
Most people won't follow that crap. And once I'm done introducing my philosophy and political system in my series, people will have better thing to believe to.
The American govt. probably doesn't want those accounts deleted haha. Want the information.
What a beacon of freedom, right? Totally void of hypocracy, right?
That's the land of the "free" for you!
Yes but as the US control the companies that operate within it, faceboook, twitter, google the sheep or more precisely the " idiocracy" would end up controlling decentralized especially when it comes to content.
Silly example is any top 100 music chart.
There is a fine line between freedom of speech and malicious intent.
This is the state of free speech:
So much for freedom. LOL
Facebook indeed operates "under the constraints of US laws, which vary by circumstance as decided by Uncle Sam Hahaha
I think Uncle Sam decides what laws are applicable and those that are not.
Hahaha Good one!

FAcebook today block my fifth account lool i hate that crap
Another reason why steemfit is the best social media , no bs here
Yeah i think platforms like steemit will start attracting people who love freedom of speech.
Controversial topics are so sensitive to the main public so they block it forgetting that some of it maybe what the public is just looking for.
And from my limited 6 hours on steemit I think you are better off attracting people with shitposts , that also ties in very nice with facebook users . Heck post baby pictures and get all the fucking grannies up in here while you at it.
Instant gratification is the norm , and seems real content does not appeal to the masses.
Centralized platforms will die the future are decentralized platforms and I think all the owners of centralized platforms like Mark know it and trying now with some shit media PR like Mark did where he talks about decentralizing FB just to get some attention before the downfall. The time has come where we get paid for our data and people know that they turn there backs on centralized platforms and move to decentralized platforms.
Check out this video about social media and what it is doing to society
Facebook can go fuck itself. There is so much wrong with that platform it's unbelievable. While this is on a much smaller scale and less important than the issues you're talking about being censored here, I've been having a lot of issues with them removing my posts from groups over the past 2 months. In particular any posts involving trading pocket knives, asking about prices on certain ones or trying to sell them get removed automatically. Their reasoning is that it's illegal to buy/sell pocket knives, which in the US is absolute bullshit.
Sure, there are restrictions on certain types but they're not just flat out illegal to own/buy/sell like they're saying. It's been really frustrating for me as I really enjoy collecting pocket knives and talking about them with other enthusiasts as well. They also removed a post I made about hobo nickels saying the same thing, that they're illegal to post online or own, lol.
That place is a fucking joke, dude.
Amen, preach brother preach
"Facebook can go fuck itself" Amen brotha. 'Nuff said
Good information friend, It's true facebook to me is not a perfect social media platform because in facebbok we cannot control the content but in steemit we have full control on content and we can hide or show content with our steempower that's why steemit has edge over facebook and other social media platform's, thanks for sharing this info with us, Stay blessed
This is why I love steemit... And despite the recent flag wars, how likely is is it that you would reach even higher attention If somebody decided to flag a post due to political reasons?
Steemit is surely going to find its way to every corner of the world, because it's free and fair
Well I guess Zuckerberg is really onto something big, it's smells in the air, as for those deleted politicians account maybe it's political we never know, nevertheless steemit, is taking over
Facebook needs to just go sit in the corner with myspace.
Crypto is the worst thing for people who love government abuse and censorship, therefore, it’s great for everyone else.
Anyone who is not a totalitarian, or a control freak, already love or will end up loving crypto.
The internet changed how people communicated the block chain is going to change how we live. As popularity of it rises and it will, everything will change when it goes main stream, people want transparency and the block chain gives that.
i think facebook is now a place of advertisement only...
I agree
It's unfortunate to wake-up in the morning and read my Facebook feed that is full of promotional material. I don't want to be targeted. I like this Steemit platform because we are all contributors and we have a stake in the material that we post.
Facebook is finished. Steemit is on the rise ....
That why i like steemit
No one could delete account
I like self governance.
Boycott facebook join steemit
I wish facebook some with some blockchain and reward concept , but its not gonna happen thoughh
That would be nice
And this guy (Mark Zuckerberg) wants to copy Steemit now. Dreaming!
It's important that Facebook and other social media platforms take a stance that is neutral. Government in and of itself was formed in the United States over a 200 year period. Facebook, should not be carefully curating a political silence on groups based on the current affairs of the geopolitical landscape. Global affairs can change on a dime.
Faceebook is for people who want to watch white trash drama, regurgitated memes, all wrapped together in a disgusting normie bow.
The whole world is now leaving facebook for steemit.
Let me use myself as example, I'm now on steemit 24/7. I posts everyday and read people's blog every minute whereas, I can't remember the last day I post on facebook. I only check facebook if I have notification.
Welcome to the end of facebook era and welcome to the era of the new world order, steemit
Censorship is not absolute evil. What will Steemians do with terrorist agitation, racism, sexism, child pornography? It will be in blockchain forever
Was temporarily suspended from Facebook myself from writing a fact-based comment that got a lot of reports from religious extremists.
It is also sad to see Secular pages in the Arab world being routinely taken down with no possibility to argue against the decision etc because of religious extremists demanding that arguments against their positions are censored.
Facebook is failing here so tremendously that it makes me think we should curate a dedicated team to search for communities that have experienced censorship from Facebook and go after them with invitations to come on to steemit.
You know how it is, Facebook is easier for the powers-that-be to get a grip on because it's owned by Mark, they just need to pay Mark a visit and opinions get shaved under the rag, if it does not conform to the status quo. It is a total different story on steemit, they can shut one but they can't shut all. Consider each of us as Mark Zuckerberg's, and you envision a future of empowerment and freedom. ✌😎
Yeah facebook is getting down
Why will they delete a political account
Future is calling steemit!! 💜
Now I'm glad I chose steemit. Too bad to those politician..hopefully this won't happen in my country as I know few people so into politic here.
I'm glad that you did too.
Facebook the end, steem on.
steem is on the rise
great news.i like your facbook censorship.thanks for sharing
i like this .
IF facebook is deleting political accounts then this is a good news.
facebook pupose is to connect with other peoples and share love and joy. not the shity politics.
so its a good step.
i appreaciate.
Thank you for the information.
The circumstances are whether or not they like the person. If they agree with their philosophy or political leanings, then they'll leave them be. We see it happen all...the...time
I don't like Facebook
Facebook operate under the US state rules and conditions. Facebook users need to be control any occasions. If showing bad attitude there maybe can arrest from state police. But Steemit has more freedom. No more rules. But must be genius very important. It better advantage for earn more rewards. So we all try be be honest and be patience in this platform. I think its only enough stay and going forward journey.
Social media should facilitate the free exchange of ideas and enable mankind to progress instead of going back to the dark age of tyranny and despotism. Steemit rocks! Thank you for the excellent post!
Eventually everyone will come to this blockchain system. But some control system shouldn't be here?
I don't buy their rationale at all...they aren't operating under the constraints of the law, but by their own subjective will.
Wow...i never knew facebook owns instagram. It seems mark is up to something. That is why Steemit would for sure be the best social platform pretty soon.
look like facebook

Good point here! I have been recently writing some articles about politics. Still, I didn't understand, why the hell can be Poland sued twice for minor or even no breaches of European law, when Germany demosntrably endangers Schenghen area and introduces hard censorship.
I am glad to be in Czech republic, where we have experience with totalitarian regimes. But is Facebook forced to censor certain things or does the Facebook do it at its own will? Second case seems to me to be even worse.
It seems there is something shady going on between facebook and the US government these days. It's like the US government now controls political actions on facebook but since blockchain technology is here to stay things will be different
Wouldn't it be awesome if Facebook was the next Myspace and Steemit was the next Facebook. Even a post that was worth like $0.10 now would be worth like $1,000 then.
This is why in my opinion, Steemit is better, more open to everyone's views.
But how true can it be that absolutely nothing can ever be destroyed. No information ever changed? I mean, I think I grasp how the block chain works pretty well, but still, it is hard for me to imagine it being impossible to delete or chains things, if one was so inclined. Sounds good though! Thanks for the awesome article @acidyo I will up vote and follow!
Facebook is far from the company that it was when it started. Its a shame that they've become what they are.
I don't think that the American Government are the ones forcing Facebook to censor information-- Facebook seems to do plenty of censorship on it's own.
Despite "the Russians buying the election with Facebook ads" argument, ex-Facebook employees routinely censored Conservative flavored news stories:
So, yes, facebook is doing some censorship again, that meets their own agenda.
“We operate under the constraints of US laws, which vary by circumstance.”
This sounds like they're hiding behind American Law. I doubt anyone forced them to censor anything.
adieu facebook