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RE: Centralized problems

in #news7 years ago

Facebook can go fuck itself. There is so much wrong with that platform it's unbelievable. While this is on a much smaller scale and less important than the issues you're talking about being censored here, I've been having a lot of issues with them removing my posts from groups over the past 2 months. In particular any posts involving trading pocket knives, asking about prices on certain ones or trying to sell them get removed automatically. Their reasoning is that it's illegal to buy/sell pocket knives, which in the US is absolute bullshit.

Sure, there are restrictions on certain types but they're not just flat out illegal to own/buy/sell like they're saying. It's been really frustrating for me as I really enjoy collecting pocket knives and talking about them with other enthusiasts as well. They also removed a post I made about hobo nickels saying the same thing, that they're illegal to post online or own, lol.

That place is a fucking joke, dude.


Amen, preach brother preach

"Facebook can go fuck itself" Amen brotha. 'Nuff said