From the very first days of the US-led war of terror waged against the Syrian people, the Syrian law security and policemen came under fire from Al-Qaeda terrorists, these were no 'peaceful protesters' the Pentagon's propagandists of CNN, Fox News, BBC, Sky News, Washington Post, New York Times, and their ilk were trying fooling their audience with, unless someone can convince us this, for example, Azerbaijani terrorist who traveled to Syria through Turkey with the help of the regime of Erdogan is a Syrian peaceful protester.
It took the western media at least 5 years to confirm there are terrorists in Syria, it took the Syrians 1 day to realize this and start fighting it back. It took the western officials a lot of lying to try to convince the world that the Syrian law enforcement forces are shooting at 'peaceful protesters' when such 'peaceful protesters' as the scum of earth above was killing Syrian security personnel from the very first day.
Here's an ugly example of western mainstream media pundit CNN's gay presenter Anderson Cooper mocking Syria's Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Jaafari asking 'where are those terrorists'? Video at the end of this post - click here
We, Syrians, decided that we will take up the fight against these terrorists from the very first day and not wait for 2 or maybe 3 decades until western documents become declassified and share their 'achievements' in Syria, yes we paid a hefty price for this and continue to pay to defend ourselves and defend you in your own town before this mushroom of over 350,000 terrorists who came to us from every single country on the planet would go back home to roost, they might surface up in your own neighborhood.
Image source: New Syria FB page
from that interview in hindsight I think its easy to say "I told you so" but if I were to get informed from this interview for the first time without knowing what would happen for the next decade in syria I would have thought cooper was the more reliable source. he did not explain why all of the sudden these terrorists sprung up 10 years after iraq, and when he said they were "protecting" reporters it sounded like they actually were prevented to do their job...
Foreign reporters in Syria were part of the US tools in its war against our country, from day one for each honest reporter there were dozens of others reporting only lies, there's the famous story of the CNN reporter, cameraman and technician working with a terrorist group to destroy the gas pipeline in Homs, and that was from the early days and they reported it was destroyed by the Syrian army except they were exposed because they forgot their camera on all night long broadcasting to their head office in the USA and it was caught by our intelligence. Others 'embedded' with the 'rebels' were reporting complete lies and when their death was more useful for the terrorists than their reports they killed them to blame the Syrian army as well, many of these crimes are exposed already. So much lies were told and the non Syrian reporters were not innocent at all.
but if you told me that 10 years ago i would have laughed at you