Why Iowa is giving Apple $208 million for a project that will create 50 full-time jobs.

in #news8 years ago

In exchange for state and local taxes, for $ 208 million, the technology major has agreed to build two new information centers on 2,000 acres of IHS - a project that will only create 50 permanent jobs

Although this is not an agreement about employees, though. At least not directly.

At a time when government officials are partnering with the company to increase employment, Apple's contract with IWA parliamentarians has highlighted other factors that are dealing with the state's office: Corporate investment can increase rural communities.

A groom for Apple Wiki, a city located 18 miles west of De Mews, which is working to keep up with its growing population. In the last seven years, the community has moved from about 13,700 residents to 1900

Wiki's economic development director Dan Dutter said that the amount of money from Apple is very important for public utilities such as street updates and parks. The city hopes to give $ 2 million a year to property taxes.

"We are a fast growing community," said Duetter who lives here for 24 years. "Our capital is growing by increasing many roads and infrastructure, tax revenue will help us to grow."

The construction is expected to be started this spring in Waukee, and the city officials hope to make hundreds of process work will be spark. But the buildings that will be opened by 2020 will have more computer servers than humans.

Anna Bergman, a municipal council member in the area, is not concerned about it.

He said, "Verily, this is the only way to continue to work on a city like us", he said on Thursday, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook was supposed to visit Wawki City City a few days ago. "Our infrastructure needs to be updated and expanded."

Wawki has given Apple a tax exemption, which has planned to save about 188 million dollars for almost two decades. State tax credit is an extra $ 19.65 million pitching.

Meanwhile, Apple will build new properties worth $ 1.3 billion, which is the neighboring cereal fields, a cattle and chicken pen. 50 permanent workers in the information center will be able to minimize $ 29.12 per hour, state officials say.

The company will also be fork from a fund of $ 100 million to bolsters WAKEE's economic development.

Cook told journalists on Thursday that the "information center" will create hundreds of jobs for people in Iowa, from construction to engineering "

According to a recent report from the US Chamber of Commerce, data centers may indicate millions of people in local economics if some employees need it.

A total of 1,688 local workers were employed in the construction of new centers and 9.9 million dollars for revenue and cities. After this, a common operation supports 157 local jobs.

The main technology companies of the country basically put their data centers in the Midwest and the south. Facebook, Microsoft and Google are all running centers in Texas and Iowa.

Iowa Economic Development Authority spokesman Tina Hoffman said that the construction of this project will bring more resources to the community.

"With a billion plus investment, it will create many spinoffs and construction related work".

In the last 20 months, state and local officials worked with the company to find a place for new benefits. Information centers, which will run from the state to the air, will support North American customers, such as iMessage and Siri using the iPhone function.

Due to the absence of hurricanes, earthquakes and rolling blackouts, Iowa occupies a major position for the computer.

Iowa Gove Kim Reynolds (R) said in a statement, "Ivy is a clear vote of Apple's significant investment and commitment to the confidence of our state," "This announcement strengthens Iowa as a hub where inventions and technologies are expanding and it shows that this is a place where world-class organizations can succeed."


This will be a growing theme around the country, were company's will be buying small towns and possibly states.