I'm asking you, the one who implied they have a modicum of sense by stating that "this is why democracy doesn't work".
Do you have a qualifier for what is a working democracy?
If you can't answer then you're exposed as another full of shit comment farming agreeable nonhought who might as well be speaking out of their asshole.
You are also the one who claimed that ideas are mind viruses, which is on par with woke ideology which revolves around spreading FUD and suppression and censorship of dAnGeRoUs mInD vIrUsEs, and incidentally you have yet to qualify what you meant by that utterly detestable and absurd narrative of mind virus.
You did jump right onto my other comment to @valued-customer though where I detailed why I think actual viruses are not real, trying to denigrate all science as on par with the fraud of vaccines.
Previously in that conversation you tried to also claim that viruses are real and measured by virology and right after that you tried to hilariously claim that I was strawmanning you by debunking viruses, because when you questioned my claim that viruses are only regarding not being visible, you asked that "don't viruses have anything to do with virology or contagion", literally implying to any sensible reader that you were discussing actual purported viruses, especially when you called what I said dumb dumb when I said no viruses exist, not even computer viruses, they are only ideas and code, and tried to sarcastically claim that materialistic genes don't exist!
It seems to me, like in your previous REEEEEEEE! at VHEMT that you're only interest is in saying off the wall absurdist nonsense which it either attacks an entire group of people and or denigrates entire concepts and ideas, seemingly only to inflame and divide, to spread bullshit and walk away when confronted or even questioned about your inflammatory rhetoric.