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RE: Guns In America...What is the Problem?

in #news7 years ago

Thanks snowpea for your response and I apologize for taking so long to reply, I've been a lil sick here lately.

I agree with part of what you're saying with the mental health issues. I think it should be a common sense and case by case thing. When I said that back ground checks needed to be tightened up on, I wasn't referring to mental health checks. If they denied everyone that has had some type of personal mental issue in the past, then hardly anyone would be able to own a gun, including myself. I've seen countless dead people, people shot and killed right in front of me, all kinds of horrible things that no one should see. I don't dwell on those things or even think about them much but I do have trouble sleeping. For those reasons and a few more, I was diagnosed with PTSD so that means that I wouldn't be able to pass a background check if they went that route and I'm even still a sworn officer so how are they going to get around that lol?

Great response, thank you!


Sorry you've been sick! I agree, it should be a case by case thing too. I can't imagine everything you must've seen, being a law enforcement officer! You must be a very strong person. I too would be banned because of postpartum issues I had almost 3 years ago, if the background checks were more strict over mental health issues. Hope you are feeling better! :)