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RE: Guns In America...What is the Problem?

in #news7 years ago

Wisconsin has over 300,000 conceal and carry licenses and I feel a lot safer going into a public place here, as opposed to, say, Chicago, where guns are banned.

The Florida shooting was a shame, but I think many people with a history of mental health issues should still be able to protect themselves, because many of them do get help, but then it follows them for the rest of their life and years down the road, when the past is far behind them, they still can't own a gun. Maybe if people at risk got a positive phycological evaluation, they would be given a chance. What about the mom who had postpartum issues years ago and was suicidal, it was temporary and now she's well. What about the young adult who dealt with bullying and said something to a mental health professional about offing himself. 10 years later he can't buy a gun to protect his family when they live in a bad neighborhood. I really don't think background checks need to be more extensive, but that's just my two cents. Great write-up and thank you for sharing your thoughts!! :)


Thanks snowpea for your response and I apologize for taking so long to reply, I've been a lil sick here lately.

I agree with part of what you're saying with the mental health issues. I think it should be a common sense and case by case thing. When I said that back ground checks needed to be tightened up on, I wasn't referring to mental health checks. If they denied everyone that has had some type of personal mental issue in the past, then hardly anyone would be able to own a gun, including myself. I've seen countless dead people, people shot and killed right in front of me, all kinds of horrible things that no one should see. I don't dwell on those things or even think about them much but I do have trouble sleeping. For those reasons and a few more, I was diagnosed with PTSD so that means that I wouldn't be able to pass a background check if they went that route and I'm even still a sworn officer so how are they going to get around that lol?

Great response, thank you!

Sorry you've been sick! I agree, it should be a case by case thing too. I can't imagine everything you must've seen, being a law enforcement officer! You must be a very strong person. I too would be banned because of postpartum issues I had almost 3 years ago, if the background checks were more strict over mental health issues. Hope you are feeling better! :)