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RE: The ANTIFA / ALT-RIGHT Distraction: Is the state trying to plunge America into civil war?

in #news8 years ago

fascinating hypothesis for sure - and I have found myself leaning that way quite a bit - especially the more I read MSM. However, this morning I read an article on the front page of CNN - which may discredit it me (I understand) - it was talking a out how Trump goes after everyone on twitter except the alt-right (which i agree is the same mindset of the alt-left). And I dont know Trump - but I have actually seen his policies working for the common American.

While I think there are a lot of scumbags around him, and he may actually be one...I do think in the next 7.5 years he can in some way save the state by making it much smaller...hopefully...
For that to happen the MSM in general will have to get on board, or completely fail and actual libertarians step up to the plate in the media...which i think is happening.

I put an article out this morning suggesting one of the reasons that MSM is having such a hard time adjusting is because the extreme differences in policy between Obama and Trump - your welcome to check it out here if you want

thanks for your thoughts - really enjoy following your take on politics


MSM will never get on board as long as it's funded by globalist progressives who want nothing more than to control everything in our world. The MSM is on a 24/7 attack on our President and meanwhile they ignore the real criminals, i.e. the Clintons.
