The ANTIFA / ALT-RIGHT Distraction: Is the state trying to plunge America into civil war?

in #news8 years ago (edited)


It may sound like an extreme hypothesis to some,

but with the mainstream media's relentless and endless cartoon sensationalization of the recent protests in Charlottesville, VA, and the sad and sorry state of "libertarianism" these days (many individuals previously of seemingly sound mind defecting and joining forces with white nationalist movements and neo-nazis thanks in large part to MSM propaganda) it really doesn't seem that far-fetched.

You know what, though? More than an attempt to plunge the whole of America's populace into a civil war (which I believe this fear campaign is, in part) it is, like most things ramped up and shouted by the ever obnoxious media, a big distraction.






Where have all these "HUGE STORIES!" gone?

A distraction from what?

Well, from people continuing their evolution and abandoning/rejecting/defecting from the state. People are "waking up" faster than ever. It's exponential. We've had enough of the bullshit, and the collective consciousness, though laggy, is catching up.

The internet is spreading the ideas and philosophies of freedom like wildfire. I cannot imagine ten years ago talking to anyone about anarchy. Now there are thousands of us. And thousands upon thousands of "sleeping anarchists" just on the verge of jumping out of bed, and joining "the force."

What better time to make all these almost awakened individuals (and some already there) drunk on the stupor of blind prejudice? Forget the state! Kill the black guy! Forget the state, kill these fucking white people! Build muh border wall! Kill muh "Nazis!" Both ANTIFA and the "Alt-Right" are two sides of the same shitty, anti-liberty coin. Ultimately, they are two brands of Socialism.

Meanwhile, the individuals at the top sit back and say "Eeeeexxxxelllent."

If we are all turned against one another, we cannot focus on the true enemy. The state.

Why would the state want a civil war? Well, isn't that just the prettiest excuse to legislate more control and create an even more oppressive police state and control grid? Of course it is.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Also, yes I am on a roll...It makes me sad when I hear comments against the US from people living in other countries. They hear our "elected" leaders and our "esteemed" news reporters spewing rehearsed lines that do not reflect the views and opinions of 90% of the American people. I wish that each of them could sit down at a dinner table with an "average" Midwest family of hard working people, who bust their ass every day to provide for their families. The people who would literally give their right arm to make this world better for their kids than the path that it is on now. These average people don't hate other nations or other races, they want a good life for their families and the same for others. Most are very unhappy with the US acting as the "peace keeper" of the world and being at the center of every worldwide disagreement.

I totally agree! The so-called "esteemed" journalists no longer even do the simple research before reporting the news, especially the foreign news medias who mostly get their feeds from AP and Reuters. I have many friends overseas and they have such a distorted view of how the hard working middle class American family lives and thinks. It's truly sad how much of our news organizations around the world have become a propaganda tool.

Thank you. I dont know you and propably never will but I just wanted to express my admiration about your way of thinking. Simple (not simplistic) state of facts, observation based on basic human conditions with an honest and kind intention.

While humans like you exist, there is still a chance. Keep your faith and enjoy the ride.

Thanks @flusterfive, I really appreciate that! As long as people have good values, no matter their race or nationally, I always treat them with respect and try to learn from them. I have learned over the years that if you send out good things, good people will find you. Follow that Golden Rule and ignore the haters.

As we call it in greek, its the golden ratio (φ) between the things you should do, concerning your own survival, your family's and the people you care about and the things you choose to do for the people, neighboors, society etc. In other words, provide for the people you care about and try to give to the people around you.

Everyone is having troubles already, why make them greater when you can consciously try not to?

Greetings from sunny Greece!

I think you are probably spot on. I think the last election (US Pres) was planned....I mean honestly, we are on 2 term cycles right now. Anyway....there are so many reasons the state would want this.....population control(as in, kill off 20-30%), people control, money/property grab(from all the middle people that end up standing up for liberty), etc.

It is freaking scary right now....and 10x so becausr we just moved to Detroit, and it is a powder keg waiting to go off!!

What to do??? I mean, knowing and befriending your neighbors...but more than that?

I am glad to see (heard it while at pharmacy this morning on their TV) that the DOJ is looking into investigating the groups. It's about time

20-30%? You are a little low on that number.

It is advantageous for the state to have chaos, Order out of Chaos. Both sides of these riots are state run, well corporate run. Soros is openly funding the "Antifa" group, while it has been exposed many times before the federal government leading KKK and other supremacist groups. Nice hype for the media to build their case. Freedom is bad, it allows for racism, we need order and more government to control this problem.

All they want is centralized power, every time they move it is to that end. Interesting timing here as well, maybe they really are afraid of Trump. Bailed out of the Paris Climate Accords (Carbon Taxes), Bailed on the TPP, Rolled Back Regulation, Stopped funding "Syrian Rebels", Stopped forced immigration of "Syrian Refugees" and on and on. Weather he is real or just another state produced character, prima facia lends us to believe they do not like what is being done. But again, he could be staged as well, as the catalyst to unite the collectivists and make room for civil war 2.0 to start. Thereby allowing the left to unite with foreign govts. (China) under the auspices of the U.N. to secure the U.S. Global collectivism may be near at hand.

Your first paragraph "It is advantageous for the state to have chaos, Order out of Chaos. Both sides of these riots are state run, well corporate run. Soros is openly funding the "Antifa" group, while it has been exposed many times before the federal government leading KKK and other supremacist groups. Nice hype for the media to build their case. Freedom is bad, it allows for racism, we need order and more government to control this problem." pretty much sums it up.

It is as if we are on the verge of some futuristic government that you see on the movies- a control based government.

It seems that is the way we are going. Society is in too much of a lull to even recognize where we are heading.

Good points, as usual. It is confusing to me as well, and all those things you mentioned, regarding Syria, etc, are basically pluses in my book, so yeah. Then again, the drone program is more ramped up than ever and the unconstitutional bombings (murders) continue. It certainly is chaos.

Yes, these wars that are constantly raging are unconstitutional. Where is the declaration of war or a vote from congress? An interesting point to note is that we have been under emergency war powers since the early 20th century, essentially putting the executive branch in a martial law capacity. The prez can virtually do as he wishes. Gotta love that nice old Federal Reserve system.

For those who are ignorant or support AntiFa in even the slightest way, I recommend this video:

Divide and conquer, you see it being played out more and more.

I do hope you're correct about the great awakening. We thought we had one of those in the 1970s punk movement. I really believed we were gonna change the world, but instead, most of us grew up to be lawyers, politicians and CEOs.

Haha! Yes. The great CEO awakening.

Inserted chaos and then amplifying the subsequent internal strife is how our alphabet agencies have started color revolutions in many other countries. They have gotten very good at it. The societal nervous system of the internet allows for much faster productive communication and interaction, but is unavoidably accompanied by the possibility of societal seizures and hallucinations, which is essentially how a color revolution works. Paralyze the populace by stimulating the muscles on both sides, then while they are immobilized by fighting against each other, you introduce a mirage that can supposedly bring order. Which you help happen because you then stop the paralyzing stimulation.

Color revolution has now been initiated domestically, color will be purple. It's the modern day equivalent of the Roman legions crossing the Rubicon, when Rome used its military might domestically for the first time.

Except this time the Rubicon is digital.

Who benefits from wanting N.A. and Europe destabilized? The Mid-East destabilization was a no brainer but this one is a little more opaque.
The Russia/China./BRIC alliance? Islam? Or perhaps this is the long march to The Jewish Messiah?
Either one is nasty and unnecessary, IMO.....
This is also the result of 911 and the lies and duplicity of that day; I predicted at the time, that that event left uninvestigated by non-biased actors would lead to civil chaos.......
I agree though, with what you said about Socialism; this is the same card that was played in Europe​ mid-century--one group of Socialist's played off another.....

I think you're right on target. I live near Charlottesville and there are a lot of things about that incident that make it look like a set-up in order to get the groups to engage in violent conflict. There was VA revoking the permit, letting antifa assemble without one with no problem, kicking them out of the park before violence had begun and forcing the confrontations in the street, cops standing down, reporters saying both sides were violent then being forced to backtrack. I'm working on a post about it right now too, but I believe my home state government is just as responsible for the deaths and injuries as the clashing, hateful groups.

@kafkanarchy84 I have been saying this for quite some time. Between the racial rhetoric , the gay/straight, the bathroom rules, the sensationalism of a white cop shooting a black person (but ignoring the other cop shootings), and now the "we are gonna topple your southern statues"...I really think that the deep state is trying every excuse to start an all out national riot. An excuse to stomp in and do the smackdown, declare marshal law and impose new rules. It's hard to be the "savior" without a calamity. I think that they are seriously working from an outdated model. I have many friends from many races and nationalities. They are tolerant and understanding. If you want to see a Confederate Civil War monument, go look at it and learn history. If you don't then just pass. I am not gay, but I damn sure am not going to join an anti-gay rally, to each their own. I think the powers that be just want to stir up a large conflict, at any cost.

Throughout history, "the powers that be" always sought ways and means of controlling their population by neutralizing and weakening various subgroups and people that might otherwise pose a threat to the prevailing status quo of inequality and injustice. To counter the threats against their power, the elites resorted to manipulating and manufacturing conflicts between different people and groups, exploiting their differences in skin color, religion, language, culture, socioeconomic class, nationality, gender, sexual identity, age, political party, you name it… the list can arbitrarily go on and on. In other words, it's the old "divide and conquer" rule that they always deploy to shift the blame of societal ills on the population.

fascinating hypothesis for sure - and I have found myself leaning that way quite a bit - especially the more I read MSM. However, this morning I read an article on the front page of CNN - which may discredit it me (I understand) - it was talking a out how Trump goes after everyone on twitter except the alt-right (which i agree is the same mindset of the alt-left). And I dont know Trump - but I have actually seen his policies working for the common American.

While I think there are a lot of scumbags around him, and he may actually be one...I do think in the next 7.5 years he can in some way save the state by making it much smaller...hopefully...
For that to happen the MSM in general will have to get on board, or completely fail and actual libertarians step up to the plate in the media...which i think is happening.

I put an article out this morning suggesting one of the reasons that MSM is having such a hard time adjusting is because the extreme differences in policy between Obama and Trump - your welcome to check it out here if you want

thanks for your thoughts - really enjoy following your take on politics

MSM will never get on board as long as it's funded by globalist progressives who want nothing more than to control everything in our world. The MSM is on a 24/7 attack on our President and meanwhile they ignore the real criminals, i.e. the Clintons.


I like your write in "What better time to make all these almost awakened individuals (and some already there) drunk on the stupor of blind prejudice? Forget the state! Kill the black guy! Forget the state, kill these fucking white people! Build muh border wall! Kill muh "Nazis!" Both ANTIFA and the "Alt-Right" are two sides of the same shitty, anti-liberty coin. Ultimately, they are two brands of Socialism."
But I hope there is no civil war ...pleace..

There is no middle ground anymore. You used to have center conservative, center leaning liberal. Now it is way left or way right

Choose the best....and Peace and mutual respect are the desires of all human beings

The MSM are huge 'report for distraction' entities.
President Trump signs positive EOs or brings an additional 5k jobs to the midwest, but says something on twitter; the latter is all the MSM will report on and call pundits to their round-table to peel apart like an onion and find the one thing negative. Then they have 'discussions' and before you know it, the Never-trumpers are on a rampage.
I have given up on all facets of the MSM. No honesty, no truth- only what they want you to know. They demonize every single person in the Trump cabinet, administration and family.

Hollywood is no better. I have no respect for actors and actresses that I used to like. We even got rid of our satellite and streaming apps. No use for them at all.

I'm no Trump supporter, but have noticed that. I wonder if that is all part of the pre-planned dialectic, too. To make it appear as if he is hated. Who knows. I just know it is time to take care of our friends and families and stick to the principle of individual self-ownership, and not get swallowed up in groupthink.

I just feel it is wrong, no matter which side of the aisle you are on or who you voted for, that we need to come together to make this work. I can understand having different opinions, views and voice your concerns with friendly debate, but the rioting, anger and assault (even deaths) is becoming too unreal and will eventually divide the country more than it already is.
I agree to think for yourself and have ownership.

Definitely agree with you. We call it "fog candle" in Germany - a perfect subject to distract people. Beside this there are even more such staged events and things to keep people's mind away of what really matters. Those "flat earthers" for example who try to mislead people and draw them into stupid discussions. Just to make sure they spent their time on fighting against worthless things. The more they put energy into fighting the less they can focus on the owner of that game.
The best thing is to remind people from time to time to get into an "observer mode". Calmness is the key to detect the rules of this dirty system.

I do believe some of the things in the media are used as a distraction but I can't agree that every social issue that is being bought up is just being used to distract. There are real problems in the world and especially in the US. Evil has to be fought against, plain and simple. Whether you think that evil is staged by governments or not, it HAS to be opposed. Even the very appearance of it. Love will ultimately win anyway and that's really the only thing that matters. If we love our fellow brothers and sisters on this planet then we should fight for what is good and honorable and not stand back and say it's all staged just to get us to fight one another. Not saying you're saying that exactly but we can't always say that things are staged as an excuse not to deal with what people are really experiencing everyday. I don't trust the governments but history has shown me that evil does actually exist and must be resisted at all costs.

This guy seems to have it figured out haha.

I don't see how self ownership without national or international socialism, would turn into fascism. I don't become a fascist because there are no national or international socialist or communist around.

I totally agree. That's the one thing he doesn't have figured out I suppose haha.

It is all so confusing. I understand both sides' point of view. Taking down statues is a bad idea though. It sets a bad precedent. I heard there are people who want to take down some statues of the founders because they owned slaves. They also put forth a great framework for running a country. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been disappointed with both sides. I heard they are even taking down some of his statues too. What a shame!

Not far-fetched at all your theory, I'm afraid. We are being distracted with all these "wars": white vs. black, feminists vs. man, trans vs. normal. I don't know to what end, but one thing is certain - freedom of speech will soon become a thing of the past!

What exactly do you think we are being distracted from?

There is a saying - divide and conquer! Of course, the state always wants to divide the people. But what can be done here?

They know United we Stand divided we Fall and they are doing their best to divide so they can conquer

Distraction is in progress by MSM. They are chasing obvious non-stories, and ignoring reporting on facts and the real news. Why? Not sure. But it is obviously trying to distract from something big heading our direction

Wow! I thought I was the only one seeing through the charade. Glad to see that I'm not alone.

ANTIFA -I remember how these riot groups were used to fight the opposition in Poland at the invitation of the sympathetic circles of the previous government. It's just sick.

Gay marriage here in Australia serves the same purpose.
The lady next door who feeds your cat when you take a holiday, or your cousin's boyfriend; they're your enemies.
That politician though, he's your crusading champion in a desperate battle for truth and justice.

Upvoted. Rational minds within the libertarian movement need to continue to be rational minds.

I think these events are simply the continuation of the process of the communist revolution. (I understand that the discontent portion of the populace usually do not consider themselves to be communists: the words have changed and in many cases the meanings of words.) I strongly encourage you to see this old video for a deeper understanding of what we are seeing in the news. It is amazing how neatly and nearly it fits what we are seeing in the news today considering that it was made 50 years ago.

Soros at work. Bottom up and top down.

A couple of things..

  1. when people criticize "America" they usually are not referring to the continent but to the United States of America... I know those in South America take offense to being lumped in with North Americans. Knowing that this happens often though, I do not see it as an issue when people use it. It is not meant to offend anyone, it's just a very very common mistake that really is not worth the trouble to argue about but I brought it up because I hear it often on my facebook posts where I have over 10k followers... As a rule of thumb to avoid this issue I always refer to it as the US or USA and not America.

  2. When people criticize "America" or what should be refered to as the US they are not insinuating that every US citizen agrees with what their politicians and mainstream media are saying and doing. I saw a few comments here that were stating something along these lines. It is usually understood that the blame is on the government, but that those citizens who refuse to use critical thinking and logic can not be excused. Ignorance in this day and age where information is literally at our fingertips is inexcusable. Being lazy, or only concerned with oneself is not okay. If the US government is committing atrocities overseas and you think that it will not impact you directly, just wait... it will but by that time it might be too late for anything major to be done.

  3. to imply that people outside of the US do not know what;s really going on in the US is actually incredibly inaccurate, they actually can see what is going on much clearer than most of us here because they are not in the smack dab middle of the chaos they are on the outside looking in. Also they are not indoctrinated nor are they being force fed inaccurate information through their media in the same frequency and intensity. Now again there are exceptions and some countries are big on propaganda but to think that the US is some beacon of truth, liberty, democracy, sugar and spice and everything nice is to live in an illusion. Thank you @kafkanarchy84 for another great post.

to imply that people outside of the US do not know what;s really going on in the US is actually incredibly inaccurate,

Did I imply this? If so, where?

Oh no, not at all, I was addressing the comments that were made in response to your article.

Part 3 was in response to Jbcoin and flusterfive, I should have made that clear. Apologies.