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RE: The ANTIFA / ALT-RIGHT Distraction: Is the state trying to plunge America into civil war?

in #news8 years ago

Also, yes I am on a roll...It makes me sad when I hear comments against the US from people living in other countries. They hear our "elected" leaders and our "esteemed" news reporters spewing rehearsed lines that do not reflect the views and opinions of 90% of the American people. I wish that each of them could sit down at a dinner table with an "average" Midwest family of hard working people, who bust their ass every day to provide for their families. The people who would literally give their right arm to make this world better for their kids than the path that it is on now. These average people don't hate other nations or other races, they want a good life for their families and the same for others. Most are very unhappy with the US acting as the "peace keeper" of the world and being at the center of every worldwide disagreement.


I totally agree! The so-called "esteemed" journalists no longer even do the simple research before reporting the news, especially the foreign news medias who mostly get their feeds from AP and Reuters. I have many friends overseas and they have such a distorted view of how the hard working middle class American family lives and thinks. It's truly sad how much of our news organizations around the world have become a propaganda tool.

Thank you. I dont know you and propably never will but I just wanted to express my admiration about your way of thinking. Simple (not simplistic) state of facts, observation based on basic human conditions with an honest and kind intention.

While humans like you exist, there is still a chance. Keep your faith and enjoy the ride.

Thanks @flusterfive, I really appreciate that! As long as people have good values, no matter their race or nationally, I always treat them with respect and try to learn from them. I have learned over the years that if you send out good things, good people will find you. Follow that Golden Rule and ignore the haters.

As we call it in greek, its the golden ratio (φ) between the things you should do, concerning your own survival, your family's and the people you care about and the things you choose to do for the people, neighboors, society etc. In other words, provide for the people you care about and try to give to the people around you.

Everyone is having troubles already, why make them greater when you can consciously try not to?

Greetings from sunny Greece!