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RE: The ANTIFA / ALT-RIGHT Distraction: Is the state trying to plunge America into civil war?

in #news8 years ago

Your first paragraph "It is advantageous for the state to have chaos, Order out of Chaos. Both sides of these riots are state run, well corporate run. Soros is openly funding the "Antifa" group, while it has been exposed many times before the federal government leading KKK and other supremacist groups. Nice hype for the media to build their case. Freedom is bad, it allows for racism, we need order and more government to control this problem." pretty much sums it up.

It is as if we are on the verge of some futuristic government that you see on the movies- a control based government.


It seems that is the way we are going. Society is in too much of a lull to even recognize where we are heading.