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RE: The ANTIFA / ALT-RIGHT Distraction: Is the state trying to plunge America into civil war?

in #news8 years ago

A couple of things..

  1. when people criticize "America" they usually are not referring to the continent but to the United States of America... I know those in South America take offense to being lumped in with North Americans. Knowing that this happens often though, I do not see it as an issue when people use it. It is not meant to offend anyone, it's just a very very common mistake that really is not worth the trouble to argue about but I brought it up because I hear it often on my facebook posts where I have over 10k followers... As a rule of thumb to avoid this issue I always refer to it as the US or USA and not America.

  2. When people criticize "America" or what should be refered to as the US they are not insinuating that every US citizen agrees with what their politicians and mainstream media are saying and doing. I saw a few comments here that were stating something along these lines. It is usually understood that the blame is on the government, but that those citizens who refuse to use critical thinking and logic can not be excused. Ignorance in this day and age where information is literally at our fingertips is inexcusable. Being lazy, or only concerned with oneself is not okay. If the US government is committing atrocities overseas and you think that it will not impact you directly, just wait... it will but by that time it might be too late for anything major to be done.

  3. to imply that people outside of the US do not know what;s really going on in the US is actually incredibly inaccurate, they actually can see what is going on much clearer than most of us here because they are not in the smack dab middle of the chaos they are on the outside looking in. Also they are not indoctrinated nor are they being force fed inaccurate information through their media in the same frequency and intensity. Now again there are exceptions and some countries are big on propaganda but to think that the US is some beacon of truth, liberty, democracy, sugar and spice and everything nice is to live in an illusion. Thank you @kafkanarchy84 for another great post.


to imply that people outside of the US do not know what;s really going on in the US is actually incredibly inaccurate,

Did I imply this? If so, where?

Oh no, not at all, I was addressing the comments that were made in response to your article.

Part 3 was in response to Jbcoin and flusterfive, I should have made that clear. Apologies.