
Perhaps but this is a risk to innocent people that can and could be avoided yet the politicians keep up policies to keep the same old thing happening. Doing nothing is also a decision.

I think were seeing the decline of the western world.

I fear you are right @jhonny1066 our ancestors would scream at us for being so weak and closed off to the truth.

Yah I agree with you and it wasn't that long ago when our ancestors were pushing out Muslims,we have given up our liberty so fast.

The rise of the Blockchain is also another representative of that @jhonny1066! While our government in Washington D.C. is spending their time doing nothing and preventing anything from happening Everyone else in the world has changed focus to a new economy.

The block chain gives me hope for everyone,although im a newbie so wont comment on it to much but here in latin america people use crypto currency a lot and the block chain will be soon used to register property in Central America

It is true democracy and it will give many people a fighting chance who could not have it before the blockchain.

Yes agreed it was only a matter of time before England saw its share

Agreed they let into their country so many known radicals to even keep tabs on. Talk about lunacy.