London Terrorist Attack - Stefan Molyneux

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I came back from dinner and turned on the television to find another terrorist attack has happened in Europe, this time in London. Just a few weeks ago there was the horrific attack in Manchester.  Stefan Molyneux sums up better than I ever could but I'm getting very pissed off myself and I don't even live in England.  My grandfather fought in WWII alongside allied forces including some of the toughest soldiers he saw from the UK.  What the hell has happened to the strength and willpower of those citizens? London was bombed heavily during the blitz and their spirit and will to unite and fight on was historic.  Now facing these radical Islamist terrorists it has become meek, subjugated, and unable to even call out the people who are committing these attacks.  My thoughts go out to the victims but tomorrow's virtue signalling on facebook, instagram, twitter and all the rest won't do a thing to stop the next attack and I'm glad I don't go on those sites anymore to see this meaningless outrage.


Update at least 6 are dead and dozens more injured.


London is not alone in this. I think it is also partially the times we are living in @natevegas.

Perhaps but this is a risk to innocent people that can and could be avoided yet the politicians keep up policies to keep the same old thing happening. Doing nothing is also a decision.

I think were seeing the decline of the western world.

I fear you are right @jhonny1066 our ancestors would scream at us for being so weak and closed off to the truth.

Yah I agree with you and it wasn't that long ago when our ancestors were pushing out Muslims,we have given up our liberty so fast.

The rise of the Blockchain is also another representative of that @jhonny1066! While our government in Washington D.C. is spending their time doing nothing and preventing anything from happening Everyone else in the world has changed focus to a new economy.

The block chain gives me hope for everyone,although im a newbie so wont comment on it to much but here in latin america people use crypto currency a lot and the block chain will be soon used to register property in Central America

It is true democracy and it will give many people a fighting chance who could not have it before the blockchain.

Yes agreed it was only a matter of time before England saw its share

Agreed they let into their country so many known radicals to even keep tabs on. Talk about lunacy.

I'm pissed too. But it seems wrong by most to be.

I don't understand the lack of critical thinking lately by the masses.

Stefan is quick on the draw these days. These attacks are getting too close together. Is Europe really going to put up with this? Are they really going to accept this as their 'new normal'?

I agree It seems it's safer to be politically correct and avoid conflict these days even when the conflict is right in front of you.

Got that sad news early morning . May there soul rest in Peace.

Yes @kashanj and may the living wake up and prevent more victims.

I used to live about a 5 minute walk away from Borough market, Southwark is great borough, such a shame to see this happening on my old doorstep.

It pains me to say it, but Stefen is right. Britain is so disjointed and tribal nowadays. I'm not totally comfortable with some of the hard-right rambling of much of Stefans audience, but it is pretty clear now that our freedoms and our communities are being targeted by the predatory and militant section of the Muslim population, which at the very least is a sizable minority of the whole Muslim population. I seriously worry about what the next few years have in store. If we learned anything from the troubles in Belfast it is that didn't take long for communities that had been living side by side for an awful long time to decend into anarchy. This new sectarian crisis is shaping up to be far bloodier. What concerns me the most is that i don't see growing tolerance, i see a growing ignorance, none more so than from the political classes that flatly refuse to take any proactive measures. Our freedoms are in peril, don't confuse liberalism with cowardice.

Thanks for your comment @robochunks I honestly am tired of how the liberal press throws out any opposing stance as far right because protecting the society your ancestors gave to you is worth defending and saving. The far left are inviting the floods in for votes and power nothing more.

I think so the results of these terrorist action will be restraint of rights...

That's also a real possibility @rostirgeo

The politicians do not dare to take actions against terrorist because they fear to be called racist. Political correctness is more important to them than the savety of the people.

Yes it's time people realize their governments are not looking out for them and never were.

Agree totally. Thanks for reinforcing what Stefan is saying.