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RE: Psychologically Beaten to Death

in #newslast year

We are in AmRev2 (American Revolution 2.0)

Corporations make the death of the debt holder irrelevant.

AmRev1 was "won" because The USA agreed to keep and repay the debts. This was an agreement with the King of England.

So, we are going to have a really hard time with getting rid of the debts. Because certain factions are going to try to use weasel words to make us agree to keeping the debts.

Also, all of the assets that America had that have been put into secret break away societies, are gone if we just absolve the old govern-cement.

This ends with some real lawsuits about rots-children making these debts through subterfuge and deceit. So, basically, it makes the agreements null and void back to the beginning.

But, the rots-children will gaslight till the very end. "We didn't threaten to kill Woodrow Wilson's children, to get the Fed" "We didn't fund both sides of the war, and bribe both sides to get involved"…


"We didn't threaten to kill Woodrow Wilson's children..."

Pretty sure they killed a lot of kids to get that money. Maybe some hacker will leak the files, and we'll find out.