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RE: Psychologically Beaten to Death

in #newslast year (edited)

It is notable that these Bankers' plots are all designed to push the US polity to the left, further and further from reason - and liberty. As the USSR proved, the further left you go, the more power is gained by the state until totalitarian tyranny is achieved. This is obviously to the benefit of banksters, regardless of their ethnic heritage, because what really matters about banksters is that they can conjure money out of thin air, and politicians, like any other trained animal, will perform any trick for treats.

When we gain the ability to ourselves produce a good or service, we do not need money to buy it with. As adoption of means of production disperse across the population, and develop and diversify, less and less money will be necessary. I foresee a post-market economy eventually arising. But, don't worry, that will not happen before I am long dead and any gains from moonings will be fungible until then.

Nazi Germany showed how easy it is to replace a hopelessly inflated currency with another fiat, and that such replacement doesn't need to be particularly sound 'real' money to be extremely successful, since they based their currency on some kind of labor theory of value, IIRC. It is also notable that debts only are owed while the debtor lives. If I owe anyone money when I die, that debt is not inherited by anyone, but is written off. Whatever debts the USG incurs do not pertain to the States, nor to the American people, and in the event the US federal government is no more, so will such debt as it had incurred. That would bankrupt the banksters, who have fully committed to creating those $T's in debt for their personal aggrandizement as the creditors involved.

There are questions about Hitler's association with Zionists, and to what degree the Rothschilds enabled the rise of the Nazis before turning on them, that I fear will remain mysteries. I haven't learned any secrets of the Weimar Republic that were revealed after the Nazi seizure of power, but I admit that period of history is more obscured than that of the Dark Ages. What is certainly true is that the richest man in the world can but pay a higher ransom for his neck in the event it's on a chopping block, regardless of how hard they may have scammed and deceived to get their money, it's not worth more than their head.


Edit: regarding the USG debt, that money can be shown to inure to the investors that own the banks - the banksters themselves - who attained to it through the magic of QE. Essentially they owe it to themselves as the recipients of it, and they can pay off their debts by whatever conjurations they created them for all I care. No QE monies were ever invested in me or mine, nor anyone I know, so we did not receive any benefit of it, and do not owe any of the debt that created it. Theft by fraud is not enforceable in a just court of law, and fiat conjured out of thin air can only be assigned to me as a debt I owe by similarly conjuring out of thin air my responsibility for it.


We are in AmRev2 (American Revolution 2.0)

Corporations make the death of the debt holder irrelevant.

AmRev1 was "won" because The USA agreed to keep and repay the debts. This was an agreement with the King of England.

So, we are going to have a really hard time with getting rid of the debts. Because certain factions are going to try to use weasel words to make us agree to keeping the debts.

Also, all of the assets that America had that have been put into secret break away societies, are gone if we just absolve the old govern-cement.

This ends with some real lawsuits about rots-children making these debts through subterfuge and deceit. So, basically, it makes the agreements null and void back to the beginning.

But, the rots-children will gaslight till the very end. "We didn't threaten to kill Woodrow Wilson's children, to get the Fed" "We didn't fund both sides of the war, and bribe both sides to get involved"…

"We didn't threaten to kill Woodrow Wilson's children..."

Pretty sure they killed a lot of kids to get that money. Maybe some hacker will leak the files, and we'll find out.