At the risk of sounding like a complete nut-job -- too late, I can hear people saying! :) -- I get the feeling that it's definitely scripted by the "universal stuff," as you state...
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At the risk of sounding like a complete nut-job -- too late, I can hear people saying! :) -- I get the feeling that it's definitely scripted by the "universal stuff," as you state...
Big up-vote for having the courage to say that :)
I've had enough "synchronicity" and/ or "odd coincidences" in my life to give that hypothesis a fair chance. TBH, I'm about 50/ 50 on the freewill versus determinism debate.
Yeah, I'm with you there...personally -- and I know this doesn't really make much sense in our terrestrial paradigm -- but maybe Calvinism and free will don't have to be mutually exclusive concepts. Of course, my head hurts trying to reconcile what I just said, so I'll just stick with the concept that coincidences aren't necessarily just that :)
Welcome to my world :)
I've spent countless hours trying to wrap my mind around these types of philosophical topics. Another one that kills me is trying to reason out existence or trying to imagine the antithesis.
It seems to me we have to concede that certain things can't ever be known...and that stings people like me a lot, but that's part of life.
That works for me :)