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RE: How scientists may have cracked a cure for the COMMON COLD: A simple nasal spray may be the cutting edge solution we have all been waiting for

in #news8 years ago

The proof is in the results? Let's see a link to those results please. I call it like it see it and on the surface your comment seems like crockpot pseudo-science. I am an open minded skeptic though and welcome actual evidence if you can supply a link I will read it.


ozone therapy is great. i'm still learning about it. it looks, though, like
someone could drink an ebola smoothie and run a mile, if they get properly
administered ozone. i do have an ozone generator, but not a concentrator or regulator, so i'm only using atmospheric concentrations. i find, it is good for pain, and detox. i'm not licensed to say what will work for anyone else, this is all personal.

definitely not for you.

Must be a placebo effect then.

don't worry about it. it's just a crockpot thing.

If your evidence is only good enough for others that have already had a swig of the koolaid and is so embarrassing that you don't want to share it with a skeptic you might want to take a good long look in the mirror before labeling others as "easily manipulated".

i'll share with skeptics, just not with trolls who think they're smarter than they are.
please keep up the ridicule, it's so hilarious. i really do enjoy baiting trolls who think they're the bee's knees and the cat's pajamas all rolled into one.
what does that meme say? oh, that's it, in order for you to insult me, i have to respect your opinion. you couldn't possibly embarrass me.
there is no way i don't come out a winner here. i'm just a crockpot, remember? mmmmm, kool-aid. this is better than baiting @telos. maybe i'll turn it into a post.

"on the surface your comment seems like crockpot pseudo-science."

Actually I didn't call you a crackpot rather I expressed that the ideas you were presenting SEEEMED like crackpot pseudo-science. I was letting you know that my bullshit censor was going off but if you had any truly mind expanding knowledge to share I would be open to reading it.

Let's be real your post was antagonistic from the outset by trying to label anyone that disagrees with you as 'easily manipulated' so spare me your delicate flower routine about being ridiculed. The fact that the word crackpot is such a trigger for you is very telling. It's obviously something you've encountered before and get easily offended over.

Anyways, you going to cough up a link or what?

i'm just enjoying the fact that you were in such a hurry to be right that you misspelled crackpot. go back and check.

i'm probably the least delicate flower with which you'll ever interact. you amuse me, you don't come close to offending me.

i've had plenty of disagreements with people i didn't think were easily manipulated, just not very many pro-vaccinators. i find that it takes a particular dullness of mind to believe the vaccine story for very long.

i definitely, don't share my most useful, life saving knowledge with people who use terms like pseudo-science, so no, no link for you. if you have a smidgen of open minded intelligence, maybe you can
ferret it out for yourself. good luck to you. thank you for assuaging my boredom for a few moments. ta ta.

keep believing what ever makes you feel superior. hold on to that butthurt report, you may need it.

oh stop, my laughing muscles are sore.