This video about Holocaust-denying politician BLOCKED in ALL OF EUROPE. Will it be blocked on Steemit?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

For the last 12 hours, this video, about a Holocaust-denying politician in Illinois, has been BLOCKED in Europe and "limited" in the US on YouTube. It is now unblocked in Europe, but not ad-friendly in any country, so we're making no money on it, despite having taken time to research and produce the story.

This is why I came to Steemit and dTube.

▶️ DTube

Wait a minute... do you say YOUR video about telling how disgusting this is, was banned on YouTube??? That is hard to imagine for me. I am German, denying the holocaust here is illegal for good reasons! Why did they ban that video? Is it because Europeans shall not know about USA that they allow someone like this to candidate? So that we don't get a negative picture of the US? Or is it because we could come to the idea, that denying the holocaust isn't that bad??? I don't get it. May I please be allowed to think by myself???!

Free speech shouldn't be made illegal.

I mainly do agree. But when we are talking about Germany and the holocaust it's not that easy. Denying the holocaust is an absolute no-go in my country. And I am absolutely okay that it is a no-go. I don't care much about the personal freedom of nazis, sorry. Because being a nazi is the opposite of being a freedom activist.

Only a Nazi would control what you could and could not say.

So you are calling me a nazi? I don't think that comparing the holocaust with banning the denial of holocaust stands in any healthy relation to one another.

I'm talking about the banning of opinions and speech, it doesn't matter what that speech is, it shouldn't be banned.

Denying the holocaust is a lie, not an opinion. Not banning it, means the risk that people may mistake it for an opinion. This could be infecting more people to believe it. As long as we got people on this planet who even believe that the earth is flat... The difference between these two things is that I haven't heard flat earthers wanting a dictatorship yet.

I'm telling you, Steemit is the future of decentralised blockchain based media, that is censored by consensus, the 99% if you will; not the big media barons that block what they want when they want for their own psychologically manipulating ways! love it @davidpakman doing the dirty work no one else is willing to do because there is no profit involved in trying to right a wrong

Calling out this disgusting person is just too hot for YT.

I hope you get the rewards this deserve. Keep up the good work @davidpakman

yeah.... thanks for sharing dear

You have taken a very good decision.This is the right place Dtube rocks.

valuable news, thanks for share

fine news sharing style

this type of political news public likes today
go ahed...well done dear
have anice day

Dtube is awsome, and soon youtube's position is same as Facebook due to Steemit. I love Dtube.
Steem On.!

How can this be allowed ? its is mind boggling , but thank you for sharing this , very informative and eye opening

great work appreciateable that is
dtube is best for news sharing as i know
i have little knowledge about that
good activity
cheer up dear

informative news...thanks for share

He should be fired

We live in strange times where numb-skulls like this are running around spewing hate but I will defend his right to do so.

Well lets be honest, the guy is a piece of shit! But he has a right to an opinion and hopefully DT doesnt censor it. Its is supposed to be an uncensored outlet after all :-)
Thanks for sharing pakman.

Check into Union Banking Corporation, 1942.

I don't understand the YouTube algorithm. I watched the video on Youtube already but will head over to dtube and get an account set up there to watch things from now on. Thanks for the news David

Hi, I can't understand why this video was blocked on youtube. I mean, you're talking about thing that are happening. You don't deny the holocaust. When I read these things, I'm Asking myself, do we head forward to the censorship of media that we've seen in countrys like china. But less in a way where you got told what to publish and what not. More in a way, of don't be able to live of reporting about such things.

Oh, and before i forgot, feel you pinned to my ipfs