
I mainly do agree. But when we are talking about Germany and the holocaust it's not that easy. Denying the holocaust is an absolute no-go in my country. And I am absolutely okay that it is a no-go. I don't care much about the personal freedom of nazis, sorry. Because being a nazi is the opposite of being a freedom activist.

Only a Nazi would control what you could and could not say.

So you are calling me a nazi? I don't think that comparing the holocaust with banning the denial of holocaust stands in any healthy relation to one another.

I'm talking about the banning of opinions and speech, it doesn't matter what that speech is, it shouldn't be banned.

Denying the holocaust is a lie, not an opinion. Not banning it, means the risk that people may mistake it for an opinion. This could be infecting more people to believe it. As long as we got people on this planet who even believe that the earth is flat... The difference between these two things is that I haven't heard flat earthers wanting a dictatorship yet.

I'm not talking about holocaust denial, I'm talking about the banning of free speech, it's authoritarian and it goes against human rights. Everyone has the right to say whatever they want and believe whatever they want even if they're wrong.

When you are talking about freedom of speech, you also have to talk about things like the denial of holocaust. Why should I care about the freedom of people who are okay with taking away the freedom of others and even deny that fact? You never CAN ban speech anyway. We already can say whatever we want. We just have to be aware about the consequences. Freedom is a state of mind in first place. With being certain about not being free we will maybe miss the opportunities of the freedom we already have.