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RE: Another blue day goes grey: what is climate engineering?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Excellent post. As being new there you probably see that much better than the locals who got used to it over time. The Provence with its typical winds is perfect for such operations if they are supposed to affect the whole continent.

What I don't understand with the narrative of fighting climate change in this way is why they are not doing it over the oceans. There's more than enough space and nobody would realize it if it was there, but it would have the same effect (and there are enough planes flying over the Pacific&Atlantic).

Here's a really crazy conspiracy theory that fits to why they are doing this right now. According to an Austrian guy who claims to be in contact with the powers to be, we are currently witnessing a fundamental system chance, in which the corrupt socialist democracies of the West are about to be replaced by absolute monarchies. The tool for that is a gigantic financial crash accompanied by an uprise of Islamic extremists in Europe. That will destroy all credibility in democracy and the left (and eradicate Islam in Europe) and the old blood lines get their 2nd chance. One important element for successfully fighting this uprise is an extremely cold winter. The guy is mentioning that since years and given the situation on the financial markets and Western Europe being flooded with migrants by the political elite, he claims, this crash&burn is about to happen. So, maybe right now they are seeding this extremely cold weather in the skies of Southern France...

I really hope the guy is just crazy and wrong, but I can't stop reading his updates.


That is a very good point about the oceans I hadn't thought about before. We were discussing the high winds in this region being made use of just yesterday. It is a logical spot to do this indeed. And apparently, I am the only one who looks up around here!

Thanks for sharing this guy's predictions. I do love a good crazy conspiracy, though if truth be told this kind of prediction no longer looks so crazy to me. There is a big shake up coming for sure. And the only question is... what form will it take? They have had a long time to plan this...