For the third time this week I watched as a perfect clear sky, for which this region in the South of France is famous for, was filled with something that came out of the back of planes, thickening over the course of a few hours into a dense cloud which covered all the sky. After each of these occasions it has either rained, snowed or hailed.
This shot was taken yesterday morning when I first noticed the planes on the horizon creating these slowly expanding lines which were drifting in our direction.
An hour later all of the different chemtrails had expanded and merged to become one. Look carefully and you will see the same strange lines which shoot off from the main trail.
Finally just 20 mins after the previous shot the 'cloud' had almost completely blocked out the sun.
How does climate engineering work?
The most common method (which has been in practice since 1947) is to seed the clouds with a substance which promotes precipitation or moves existing weather systems in a desired direction.
Am I witnessing climate engineering here in France?
Now that I have seen this sequence of events so many times I feel as if it is. And I feel too as if they have improved the technology a lot over the last decade. I lived here 3 years ago and didn't see this happening at all.
Which leads to another question...
Why are they doing it?
I am not aware of any water shortages in this region. On the contrary, there is an abundance of it at this time of year with the melting snow in the mountains which is trapped in the reservoir you can see in the image at the top. So is it perhaps an attempt to do something to the air or the soil? And dare I say it, to the people who rely on the air & soil to live?
Which brings us to the most important question of all...
What is the effect on our health?
The potential implications of messing with mother nature are huge. There is a balance which is being pushed further and further out of sync. Increase the rain flow in one area and you may be creating a drought in another. Indeed, there are already a growing number of extreme weather conditions which are thought to be linked to climate engineering. And this list will continue to grow exponentially.
Further to this there is growing evidence to connect climate engineering with mental health problems in children. Personally I have noticed a correlation between my two children coughing at night and seeing chemtrails in the air during the day.
@vibeof100monkeys told me a few days ago that he felt as if there was a connection between his health and living in regions being engineered, so it appears to have a direct effect on adults too.
If there is a connection this would explain why most people have no idea what a chemtrail is. Whatever the end goal there can be no question that what they are doing is highly experimental and the dangers are simply not yet known.
Though the modern technology of weather modification began in the 1940's, it is still an emerging technology. World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
What's the official explanation?
If we look to Wikipedia for the definition of climate engineering we find this
If indeed it is a global move to combat global warming in this manner it is pure madness though personally I find this explanation unbelievable. And it is more likely that a large number of governments want to develop this technology for themselves and to do so they must test it. On us.
And that is why we have not been consulted.
I could continue at this point by expanding on the few pieces of information I have given you but I would only be repeating the great work of others such as @teamsteem & @an0nkn0wledge who have already covered this subject in detail, so I strongly suggest you check out these two articles if you want to learn more...
Geoengineering In The Wake Of The Storm
The Dangerous History Of Geoengineering And What Experiments Are Ongoing Today
Dedicated skywatching account
I am now in the process of setting up an account here on Steemit through which all posts dedicated to documenting the skies (with the intention of building awareness) will be upvoted & resteemed.
If all of you simply look up and take a photo (or film) when you see man made lines in the sky, posting them with a particular tag (to be announced) we will begin to see an archive of evidence building here on Steemit which will become a valuable resource for those who are waking up to this for the first time.
The more that activists and citizens dedicate themselves to filming and recording the aerosol crimes in our skies, the faster the public will be awakened to the dire threat of climate engineering. Sharing credible data with others is essential. Global geoengineering is the most critical issue we face short of nuclear cataclysm, we must all work together in the battle to bring this issue to light, and to a halt. Dane Wigington
Dane Wigington has been an authority on this subject for years and has a bunch of amazing films and articles on his site
In conclusion
This technology has been around for such a long time yet still we are not being told the truth about what is happening above us. This kind of blatant lying (or avoidance of the issue) can only mean one thing. And that makes us the guinea pigs in the worlds largest experiment.
- Stay alert.
- Stay up to date.
- Stay positive!
Share the message with hope for the future, not anger for the past and together we will manifest a better world 🌿
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He is travelling the world with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over nine months.
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This mass poisoning of aluminum is madness. Fluoridated Toothpastes and water, anti-perspirants, vaccines, chemtrails...geez looks like they are trying to "metalize" us so that we become antennae from the constant aluminum intake in our bodies...they can control our very thoughts, put voices in our heads and worse in the worst Orwellian personal nightmare imaginable using Direct energy weaponry.
Agreed! There is much madness going on and it feels important to share what we know regularly so that others may learn.
yep, same skys down here in Malta!! the mornings all start gloriously blue and clear.... and by 10am the haze begins.... by 1pm you can barely spot a shred of blue. They've not only been spraying by plane here, but dropping chembombs as well- you can clearly see the formations when they go off!
Thanks for the info about Malta. I really feel like we need to club together and create an accurate reflection of what is going on all over the world.
Interesting you are able to see the chembombs going off. Perhaps I have witnessed this too? I just wasn't sure at the time what it was.
Nothing like being a guinea pig in the world's largest lab. We have no idea what effects this will have on or our children and grandchildren. This is not a small operation. It is affecting many countries. It would be nice if we were kept informed. Sometimes I feel like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed horse shit.
You're not wrong about that! It is a huge operation which most people don't even know about. All we can do is continue to share our truth.
This world wide and has been going on way longer than they have admitted to. Thanks for your time and effort! Resteemed!
You are most likely right about that. The earliest record I could find online was 1947
Appreciate the upvote & resteem :)
Great post,nature can be somehow sometimes
Man Vs nature is never going to end well for us.
thanks ;)
Outstanding article. Talking about this stuff tends to generate a great deal of ridicule from those stuck in normalcy bias.
There are so many layers of deception in today's world. Even the notion of "conspiracy" has been equated to "fantasy" (by design?). While teaching some college classes, one of my students asked me about a statement I had made and asked if that was a conspiracy. Here in the Philippines, such concepts are common and there is no social bias against them. But as an American, I noticed my own knee-jerk reaction to the term. I was so baffled by the overwhelming feeling it had generated that I researched the topic and found that conspiracies are Dirt Ordinary. I ended up writing a book by that name.
On the topic of geoengineering, I first encountered the phenomenon in 1997, after moving from Los Angeles to Phoenix, Arizona. At first, I thought it was a peculiarity of Arizona, though I could not remember having seen such things when I had lived there for a few months, 25 years earlier. As an artist and avid amateur astronomer, the sky was one of my deep loves. The sight of these ugly lines in the sky made me uncomfortable and then increasingly angry as they became more frequent and more numerous.
When I moved to the Philippines in 2007, I was relieved to have clear skies once again. For 8 long years, I relished the clean, blue skies. Then, in November 2015, I saw my first persistent jet trail in nearly a decade. It appeared all by itself, in sputtering incompleteness across the sunset sky. I didn't see another one for months. Slowly, the occurrence of these lines began to build—twice a month, then twice a week, followed by several times in a single day.
Summer 2017, I noticed one trail that stretched all across an otherwise clear, blue sky. But this one was different. From the entire length of it, I saw long rivulets of powder streaming down toward the ground. Condensation trails? I think not. This was not condensed water vapor at high altitudes. This was the trail of a commercial jet that had taken off from Mactan airport only 5 kilometers away. Based on a nominal rate of climb, the trail was a mere 300 meters in altitude at my location. And this is the tropics. Fat chance it's cold at 300 meters.
In 2016, I had heard a talk given by then CIA Director Brennan at the CFR. He praised efforts to cool the planet "like volcanoes do" with SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection). Ironically, his talk was on the 200th anniversary of the 1816 year without a summer which killed thousands and turned thousands more into climate refugees from volcanic cooling.
The mad men will lose. And we will have to forgive them for their crimes against humanity. For we are more interested in building civilization toward maturity, instead of tearing it down.
For 44 years, I had watched the skies with a deep interest in the wide open spaces. In nearly all of that time, I had lived close to a major airport and never once saw persistent jet trails. Family photos never showed them, either. Then, in 1997, everything changed. Someone was doing something differently and hadn't told us about it.
That is a very good point about the oceans I hadn't thought about before. We were discussing the high winds in this region being made use of just yesterday. It is a logical spot to do this indeed. And apparently, I am the only one who looks up around here!
Thanks for sharing this guy's predictions. I do love a good crazy conspiracy, though if truth be told this kind of prediction no longer looks so crazy to me. There is a big shake up coming for sure. And the only question is... what form will it take? They have had a long time to plan this...