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RE: Corey Feldman Is Not Morally Superior To Social-Media Influencer Tony Lopez

in #news4 years ago

I clicked onto the , but I only get that page that reads "404 Oops, page not found!!" What should I do to get around that page?


Make the whole link with the @ in it.
I broke it into two pieces to not send a notification to good-karma.

So I would take the "" and then the "@" and then the "good-karma/hivesearcher-free-integrate-it-into-your-hive-apps" and assemble all three of these fragments together in that same sequence; and once I put it all together, it would take me somewhere interesting on the Internet. Or what would happen? I'm embarrassed to ask, but I'm not sure what the outcome would be or what would happen after that.

I'm thinking that you're talking about something that I would be adding to my Hive account. I'm gathering that you're giving me information on how to add a valuable search feature to my Hive-Blog channel and PEAKD channel. The one I have on my PEAKD does not work, so, yeah, if that's the case, that would definitely be helpful for me.

It is a search thing, I don't know if it will help, but I thought you might look at it.

Yes, assemble as detailed.
The reason I broke the @ mention is to not involve good-karma in our bidness.
Certain insiders are very cancel culturish, and better to not involve him in things he doesn't need to know.

In fact, you should send me a dm, and we can do all this on discord.
Antisocialist #8249

Sounds good. I'll try to contact you on Discord within the next few minutes.

Heey you have an discord? I didn't know that.

Yeah, it's good to have inasmuch as it is much easier to contact other people from the Hive blockchain than through the regular Hive chat room, but I had to change the settings on my computer so that it didn't pop up on my computer screen every time I logged into my computer inasmuch as I got a warning from my computer's action center that it was interfering with my other applications. I reset it so that I now have to click into it for it to come up on my computer screen.

Take mine then sometimes can speak me in there aswell Naglfar94 #2788