
I see since Waco they have been doing "their jobs".
This Comey guy is one seriously disturbed individual.
I hope they revoke his gun rights.
I can see him shooting up some ball field full of republicans now.

You know every patriot has been waiting for substantial arrests to happen since Trump took office. The swamp needs to be fully drained, so we can get a good long look (maybe a few photos)at those who dwell within. This evil is unfortunately bi-partisan. It is world-wide - but this is a good start.

McCain voted against the release. Republicans in name only account for a good portion of the corruption.

What we had today was the equivilant of draining a puddle, only to have the big fish slither off back into the safety of the deep waters. What we need is a comet to land in that swamp - then we can fill it in with cement.