My Twitter Response To James Comey And The Subsequent Suspension of my Twitter Account Inside of 5 seconds

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Well it took all of 5 seconds for Twatter to suspend my account for my response to Leaky FBI Comey's arrogant Tweet this morning about the Release and contents of the FISA memo.

First is the tweet form EX-Leaky FBI Directory James Comey arrogant response to Transparency

Next was my account suspension that occurred inside of 5 seconds of me posting my response to Leaky James Comey.

Slammed Comey.PNG

Well America all you need to know is that Twatter is run by a FASCIST PIG named Jack Dorsey.
Fascist Jack.PNG


Just my two STEEMS Worth.Steemerica_mini.JPG Steemerica_mini.JPG
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That was beautifull!

If I had a twitter account I would've done the same!

This is not good !

This is Twitter in America
Shadowbanning Shadowblocking and account suspension occur on a regular basis if you don't agree wioth the left.

nice.. next thing you know.. FBI shows up at your door ;)

He’s sending out a message in that tweet to all the stay behind corrupt pieces of shit to “stay the course”. Him and Podesta as well as the big fish (Hillary & Obama) are the ones I want to see perp walking so much.

I pray that we are going to see perp walks in the coming days. Without them this memo does nothing but stir the pot more. We need an end to this corruption and that ends in prison or a coffin.

Amen brother!

Ahaha, wow! That's awesome, man. You knew you were gonna take one but you did it for Team America! That memo shows ALL top level FBI and DOJ know about all of this corruption, and did nothing. Comey signed 3 of the FISA apps. "That's it," he says?

Some firings better happen. No early retirements. No lateral moves to other dept's at same pay rate.

I noticed this morning while watching one of Tracy Beanz's youtube videos reviewing the MEMO, that a big portion of the end was overridden with some high frequency. Over 4,000 viewers and we all missed a big portion of the video. Hoping more of the truthers get over here to D-tube and Steemit platform. It is getting utterly ridiculous with all the banning and censoring.

so much for freedom of speech ay?

I see since Waco they have been doing "their jobs".
This Comey guy is one seriously disturbed individual.
I hope they revoke his gun rights.
I can see him shooting up some ball field full of republicans now.

You know every patriot has been waiting for substantial arrests to happen since Trump took office. The swamp needs to be fully drained, so we can get a good long look (maybe a few photos)at those who dwell within. This evil is unfortunately bi-partisan. It is world-wide - but this is a good start.

McCain voted against the release. Republicans in name only account for a good portion of the corruption.

What we had today was the equivilant of draining a puddle, only to have the big fish slither off back into the safety of the deep waters. What we need is a comet to land in that swamp - then we can fill it in with cement.

LibertyRanger Censor Censorship tweeted @ 02 Feb 2018 - 19:53 UTC

@Comey That's It? You arrogant corrupt piece of shit!
Would you like to be charged with Treason and sentenced to d……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I do think that he and many other public figures are cowards to hide behind a platform like Twitter to do all their censorship but I think sending messages like that as well is wrong.

That could be construed as a borderline death threat really, I'd rather just let the social media like Twitter and Facebook as well as the television studios go completely out of business and then that way their lying won't be anywhere near effective anymore.

Borderline Death threat? To wish someone go through the justice system
I am afraid you read WAY to much into that tweet.
Re-read what I wrote. I specifically denote CHARGED WITH TREASON and SENTENCED.
That's not me conveying the death penalty on James Comey but the Justice system
And those social media platforms are not going anywhere.

You should take the time to read the latest from @blondenfun1 about the internet of things and fascism.

Yeah, I'm against the death penalty, you want him thrown into jail fine, but wanting to strap somebody to an electric chair isn't my thing.

This man has committed treason in my opinion.
I am sorry you are not for the death penalty. But I don't hold that against you. We are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs

But for treason against my country, If civilians could be selected for that job, I am ready to pull the switch myself. These people are supposed to be the ones that uphold our laws, when they subvert them for their own goals it makes the crime it that much worse.

I just think it's stupid to try and make a serious point like that unless you're trying to provoke people on purpose, it's as dumb as what Kathy Griffin did with Trump. Shock works great if it's all about humour and so on but meh, I do agree with you that people like James Comey are a joke though and if they're found to be screwing with the system they should be in jail at the very least.

I think what Comey said was much more provcative then anything I may have stated. And What I mentioned is nothing but an approved of and previously used action for the crime of Treason. It is a real course of action, take the Rosenberg's for example.

I did not say ANYTHING in the course of what that cunt Kathy Griffen said or did. My comment to Comey was completely legal and in line.

As far as my comment being Stupid, I take particular offense to that since like I said, It is already a legal course of action that the law can and has in the past taken.

Good day sir.