The early reports are the key. Reminds me of Princess Diana. The first reports were that she was expected to survive, however her face would be scarred, then next thing you know...
I thought everyone knew not to hand over evidence to LE of important events without making copies (keeping the originals) and posting them online first. At Dealey plaza, there were people who had taken clear pictures of the shooters on the grassy knoll. They were approached by "federal agents" who asked for their film. These guys then proceeded to break open and expose the undeveloped film cartridges, ruining them forever.
Good read. Upvoted.
thnakyou so much for reading my post and supporting me by doing so @evernoticedthat ! Yes people still think the government are the good guys and there to catch the bad guys !! I mean its beyond naivity, its more plain dumb !! I love your cats )