The Federal Bureau of Lies will Keep Everyone in the Dark Forever on the Truth of the Las Vegas Massacre !

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Well today I am sifting though as ever Youtube on the developments and new information which might be out there concerning this more than strange "massacre " in Las Vegas ! The problem is that my normal feed has changed now in Youtube and when you consider that i have spent the last week looking for nothing more than films on this subject I am surprised to see that my feed does not give me one hit on all of this !! With just random subjects which have no interest to me and I am wondering why this is suddenly the case ? Also when I look though my history in Youtube I see nothing even remotely which corresponds to my recent line of investigation ! Instead it is full of what can only be described as junk videos on anything but that which I have been actually been looking at ! Why is this ? seems that Youtube has just put me out to pasture in my work !


So i switched to manual, using the "search for " field which normally I never have to do as my feed generally keeps me on track and close to the areas that I am currently looking at !! But now I am seeing just the same old videos which bring no new light to anything ! So as I said in my last post, the powers that be are continuing with their strategy of "non linear warfare " just putting out innumerable theories which on the face of it might well be plausible, but non of which to me seem that likely and are just lots of half truths mixed with plain lies and deception in order to confuse the waters and blinding all that would try to grab something in all this madness which could make sense and explain what is really indeed going on !


My last post which I am linking just below explains I think pretty well the history and methods employed, of this tactic of a shifting sands approach to all information's released to the public whether by the " official " investigators press announcements or inside Youtube, by users with their films being removed and accounts deleted if they are dangerous to the official but clearly false narrative being created by id say by criminals for their masters who stand to make lots of business deals and money from this horrendous event !

With Sheriff Lombardo changing the more than shaky and clearly controlled narrative from day to day while being constantly under the beedy eyed stare of that brother in law of Podesta, Aaron C Rous who is clearly controlling the entire investigation since the case was handed over to the FBI and his total control from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department ! You can see how he stands there to Lombardo left, while the latter talks to the press making sure that he sticks to his lies like a good little boy !


So for this reason and seeing that the real grass roots information's I think which did initially exist just after the event posted by people that were actually there and who naturally wanted to share their footage and experiences to others being changed and even removed ! I can see that now the authorities have as ever, taken firmly control of all this information ! With the most interesting stuff disappearing from view and being replaced with well......junk films ! Apparently the FBI had even made an announcement asking all people present that night , who thought they had footage of interest should bring in their devices so that they could " harvested " to help in the investigation ! But it would seem that it was just a trap and most of the people who had handed in their telephones or video cameras discovered when they were returned that all their memories had been wiped, this possibly important footage being removed forever from history !! Does that sound correct to you ! Does it not state in itself that our " law enforcers " on which we rely for an investigation are corrupted and under the control of a higher hidden hand ? More than likely the very same people who stand to gain most, both financially and politically by insider dealings and advancement of their till now unpopular political agendas ! That since all this carnage and death suddenly seems like a good idea, as more security makes maybe more sense to the now clearly shocked and fearful citizens of America ! Gun control being a clear example of this and the call for the installation of full body scanners in every public space imaginable being another !! The " cui Bono " or " who profits " post i made will tell you who are the people who stand to gain the most from this shooting ! Its here below in the link, if you have not yet seen it yet !

So for now I am leaving you with these two films which I think explain and back up this clear political and disgusting manipulation of the facts and key information's on this murderous plot by I would say certainly interested parties and possibly the very people that put their plan of murder onto our streets !


The first one from the Sargent report states what i have just explained to you, that this investigation had be derailed totally and that without real public pressure for the facts will be just another deep.state white wash of the facts not unlike 911 !!

The next video is by the excellent Truths group " Red Elephant " showing how some key films have already been doctored and edited to confuse the public and purposefully misinform them on this nights events !

So how indeed can we as people rely on anyone whether it be the Federal Government or their " Enforcers " of the Law or even the media whose job it is ordinarily to state the Truth to us so that we can make our own conclusions and opinions ! But how indeed can this be possible when seemingly the public have no right to Truth or clarity from anyone involved ! With lies, deception and confusion now seemingly being the norm unilaterally ??

Your thoughts and reactions as ever most appreciated in my comment section below. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and ideas on this very worrying matter !




Exactly. We're never gonna' get the truth. Ever. Even though, we all know the official narrative is bullshit. They'll kill us all (which they are already doing), before they tell us the truth. I might cry a little when Lombardo suicides himself inside a duffel bag.

Well yeah really poor Lombardo, he is just so screwed you can see it written plainly on his face ! Would not like to be in his shoes if he messes up more than he has already ! like you say, suicide inside a duffel bag !! thanks for your repeated support on my post @disarrangedjane )

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yeah thats cool ...BUT did YOU SEE !! OMFG !!!

3 hours ago - Khloé Kardashian revealed her tiny baby bump when she stepped out in San Francisco on Saturday, October 14, wearing high-waist jeans. ... The mom-to-be joined her older siblings on a cable car as they did some sightseeing. ... Us Weekly broke the news at the end of September that the Good ...

crying ...

you sound as disgusted and as angry as me @jtstreetman on reading this comment ! Its really just all off the charts of stupid now eh ? I guess people wont get it, till its put betwen their eyes in a hole like in Cambodia in those feilds !

yep, why so many my age quit trying to wake people up yrs ago .. fkin AmeriTARDS ... fkin slaves make me sick

Well i hear you man, but I believe you me I have been experiencing the same thing here in Europe ! Its not an American thing its called social engineering and mind control through the programmation of the the TV which in many ways began the job that they finished with the " gift " of the world wide web of the spider ! Us flies need to stick together more than ever and maybe stay away from the shit for awhile once we get this sorted out!

Indeed .. Its called TV "Programming" for a reason ... working on getting a headset .. we WILL talk then, lol and yes, why I'm kind of under the radar ... Not playing the "game" anymore ...

Good job @gomeravibz

thanks @roop ) i am doing my best to follow developments, but now I think I will stop and wait to see where this will go if anywhere !

Hi! I just posted about how all my friends and family think I am a conspiracy nut because I call BS on the Vegas shooting. They are liberals, of course!

Yes well I feel for you being surrounded by the dumber than dumb Libtards @moe530 )

I upvoted your post! Yes. I agree that the powers at be are always lying about pretty much everything to manipulate masses who have evidence against them.
Here is my latest post of the progress on an ink drawing I am doing with ballpoint pen.

Well firstly thankyou for your support and comment on my post, but I would appreciate it if you did not use my comment section as a way of promoting your post there are channnels for this , thankyou for respecting my wishes @ladyreiya )

Understood, I will not do it again. My apologies.

The early reports are the key. Reminds me of Princess Diana. The first reports were that she was expected to survive, however her face would be scarred, then next thing you know...

I thought everyone knew not to hand over evidence to LE of important events without making copies (keeping the originals) and posting them online first. At Dealey plaza, there were people who had taken clear pictures of the shooters on the grassy knoll. They were approached by "federal agents" who asked for their film. These guys then proceeded to break open and expose the undeveloped film cartridges, ruining them forever.

Good read. Upvoted.


thnakyou so much for reading my post and supporting me by doing so @evernoticedthat ! Yes people still think the government are the good guys and there to catch the bad guys !! I mean its beyond naivity, its more plain dumb !! I love your cats )

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

All the way to Hell @battleaxe !

The purpose of this misinfo campaign by the criminals and their satanic henchmen and women is to confuse - overload - and discourage.

Their desparation is obvious. That Podesta linked FBI special agent seems to me like a psychpathic torturer - his threatening demeanor a warning sign to anyone who dares to question - and counter the false narrative.

Are they that crippled in their conscience and reality that they can't see that they have already lost?

May God have mercy on their souls.

Yes the absolute ghoul and henchman of the most corrupted evil, I concur ! Sheriff Lombardo looks like a man who is afraid for hislife, wife and children ! Thing is in a matter such as this, thIS level of decipt I believe he aNd his family will be found dead anywaylike many others who have gotten to close to the flame ! If I were him I would expose the whole thing live and direct on tv in some crazy burst of anger and truth !! what could that torturer do with the whole of America watching, just get the message out in a ten second rant ! while pulling his gun to arrest that rous for his collusion against the people that pay and have right to feel they trust him, which from what i am seeing nobody does !! dark times we see and live! all this overload of violence actually produces no more real knee jerks for alot of people now as it seems they kind of get used to seeing extreme violence becoming a daily event ! The illusion created by fubded and trained proxy terrorist gangs ready to do anything if there is enough money to be made !

I pray the perpetrators are brought to book. Thanks for sharing .

Well i think we should not hold our breath @jakemore as seemingly its open season on white christian westerners now, with a government that seems to be backing these new hunters on our streets !

Manipulation of facts and informations, right to speech freely of common man?governmant is manipulating everything like mad.

yes especially us @thatindiandlady ) thanks for the support )

The age of "seeing is believing" is well and truly over. The public needs to school themselves on the methods used by the media and government whilst they still can. If they have their way everything but the official narrative will be removed from the internet and indeed this is a goal they're moving towards at an ever increasing pace. I would say the truth will out, but it's buried under so many lies that it becomes like searching for a needle in the proverbial haystack! Great work as always @gomervibz

I said in the commemt on your last post that I think the body count for people connected to this case is going to get much higher. The lies won't ever stop, you can't trust anything the authorities are saying in regards to this story. Those who saw or heard anything in LV that doesn't fit the narrative are in danger IMO. Keep up the great work buddy.