in #news7 years ago (edited)


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Man I really feel bad for these people, eventually they will come to regret their decision and some things can not be undone. Thanks Jeff

Ya. Won't it be just awful when that kid grows up unafraid.

Lol, you just keep talking about things you don't understand sweetie, that's the way to stay static and never move forward. Big gold star.

I think I understand enough. There are people in our society who are made to feel like they should be something else, someone else. Its not who they were born as and its not who they will want to be. Its sickness like cancer that has spread through society, fostered by the user class and adopted by the foolish class. It truly is sad.

Oh no! Not another regurgitated news story from the I'll informed and under educated!! Whatever will we do! STFU tool. You are censored alloit because you lack any viable information, knowing this you try to shock people into paying attention to you, its litterly what five year olds do, but they don't have access to your resources. I know when things change and we learn new stuff its scary but trust me you won't matter after the dust settles either, why would a rational person choose hate, its the stupidest side to be on every time...

Tape 1

Tape 2

Tape 3

Have a listen to the tapes and understand that they are using you to achieve their agenda to stop humans from breeding.

They are using all of us, pitting us against one another. You are not my enemy and I have no issue with what you want to do with your own life and I respect you like everyone else. But understand that it's what they want you to do, because they have been programming people into these lifestyles for decades. Confusing and blurring the lines of sexuality.

Before you respond just listen to tape 1. (It's not an anti-LGBT tape or anything like that) Even if you still don't agree with my assessment, you will still find that tape interesting regardless.


A rational person would choose truth. Why would you be more concerned with hate rather than truth? Sounds like an emotional response. Not a rational one...

Hey Jeff, I am glad to see you doing well here. Keep up the great work!

KJ! My friend - great to hear from you. I tried reaching you a while back on skype. I hope you are well! We should have a chat soon. All the best!

Good fucking lord. Just because they're in bright colors and costumes it's considered art. This is NOT art. This isn't even fucking human!! I want to slap the stupid out of "Lactacias" parents. God damn monsters.

Damn Sodomites. I am afraid, there are much more around in Hellywood.

Tehe!!!!! You said sodomite!!! 😁😂😂😂omfg I just want to point out that people like you still exist, OMFG I can't stop laughing!!! I get up to so much worse than sodomy, butt to pick that one biblical term😂😂😂 you mad bro? Also Hollywood? Oh no you think that's where trans people are from or something like that, ohhhhhh no I can't stop laughing ohhhhhh goodness, they still make backwards ass folks like you??

It's all about mind control, depopulation and transhumanism. They don't like you people at all. You're the first that are being marked for eugenics. You are clueless because you've likely been brought up by your television. Research Agenda 2030 and zionism you'll get a better understanding of what the Rainbow really represents and how most of you people are victims of their tyranny.

This is serious mental illness territory.

What the fuck makes you so special, how come only you know the true truth.

Jfc mind control... Ffs

@sapphic If you look into what we are talking about, you would understand what is being said to you.

I could say the same back, also if this is a the case and they are just using us, why do you keep targeting us, with the BS conspiracy posts.

Is it because you are too scared to go after the real people behind your conspiracy, and it's easier to go for soft targets, who by your conspiracy theory are the first victims.

but you attack us, because you are cowards.

We're not targeting you. We're trying to warn you of the evil shit that they are doing to you, to all of us for that matter.

"Is it because you are too scared to go after the real people behind your conspiracy, and it's easier to go for soft targets, who by your conspiracy theory are the first victims."

What? We go after them all the time lol
Yes, you are one of the first victims because you are a east target for their nwo programming.

You don't know shit about me. Your straw manning my childhood so you feel better hating me. I grew up on a farm in Colorado my Grandfather built. I helped everyday of my childhood, didn't have tv. Had too much work to do. I joined the army served for six years, came out and started trading to earn a living. I now live on that same farm and take care of my aging grandparents, they raised me, and tend to the farm. The fuck you got to say about me now mother fucker. All of that is varafiable and public info, back the fuck up trying to play analysis. I'm an Ancap and live free. You don't talk to me about government abuse I've been studying and living this shit for twenty years, what you think your schooling me on CIA mind ops and information control, I'm woke as fuck you cherry as milk breathed mother fucker! When you assume you make an ass out of u and me. Check yourself before you spew hate.

The fire is coming.

OMG! Not "the fire"! Where's your Bible now son? You declaring jihad on trans people? Not very Christ like if you ask me...but you do you boo. If you spent half the energy you waste on hate and use it to help the education system in this country we could progress as a species, but no, you gotta go to a building get a hate on, then spew it into the world like any rational person gave two fucks. Flame the fuck on lunatic but let's make it real clear that I'm the one just trying to live my life, your the one trying to kill me. Even your imaginary friend thinks that's fucked up.

Gotta love the comment section. I bet the tranny supporters just stew in their misery over not being allowed to censor you here! The only one I feel bad for is the 9 year old whose parents allow him to be sexualized by perverted adult pedos.

This stuff is such insanity!

your telling me, you people are mentally insane