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in #news7 years ago

It's all about mind control, depopulation and transhumanism. They don't like you people at all. You're the first that are being marked for eugenics. You are clueless because you've likely been brought up by your television. Research Agenda 2030 and zionism you'll get a better understanding of what the Rainbow really represents and how most of you people are victims of their tyranny.


This is serious mental illness territory.

What the fuck makes you so special, how come only you know the true truth.

Jfc mind control... Ffs

@sapphic If you look into what we are talking about, you would understand what is being said to you.

I could say the same back, also if this is a the case and they are just using us, why do you keep targeting us, with the BS conspiracy posts.

Is it because you are too scared to go after the real people behind your conspiracy, and it's easier to go for soft targets, who by your conspiracy theory are the first victims.

but you attack us, because you are cowards.

We're not targeting you. We're trying to warn you of the evil shit that they are doing to you, to all of us for that matter.

"Is it because you are too scared to go after the real people behind your conspiracy, and it's easier to go for soft targets, who by your conspiracy theory are the first victims."

What? We go after them all the time lol
Yes, you are one of the first victims because you are a east target for their nwo programming.

I'm warn with less threat, this is not a warning post. You obviously hate us, your trying to bolster your own ego but listen, if you cared you would step away from the shock jock shit and talk to trans people. I see no evidence of that anywhere on this page. Having been assaulted by ass hats spewing hate like this you will forgive me when I full on call that statement an out and out lie.

Did you listen to the tape yet?

If I hated you I would not be so polite when I write to you. No ego here and we are already having a dialogue. So let's talk and try to reach a common ground.

I am willing to talk to any rational person, my record on steemit bears chat out publicly. I am not referring to you though I still say if you look at this post and the subsequent "the fire is coming" responses and then try to convince me this post is trying to warn me I'm going to have to step away from the conversation. I can tell you that I am not OK with being talked down too, I will show you the same respect but listen, let's start on the assumption that we are both sane rational people trying to live a good life and help others. If we can't start there I can't see we have anything to discuss. So far your saying I'm a easy target, you have no basis for assuming that, these tapes don't change that. If we are people talking then I'm in, short of that i m already in triage, I can't stop and save those to far gone.

You don't know shit about me. Your straw manning my childhood so you feel better hating me. I grew up on a farm in Colorado my Grandfather built. I helped everyday of my childhood, didn't have tv. Had too much work to do. I joined the army served for six years, came out and started trading to earn a living. I now live on that same farm and take care of my aging grandparents, they raised me, and tend to the farm. The fuck you got to say about me now mother fucker. All of that is varafiable and public info, back the fuck up trying to play analysis. I'm an Ancap and live free. You don't talk to me about government abuse I've been studying and living this shit for twenty years, what you think your schooling me on CIA mind ops and information control, I'm woke as fuck you cherry as milk breathed mother fucker! When you assume you make an ass out of u and me. Check yourself before you spew hate.