Hey James
With all of this digital money flowing in China, the economy is being very successfully tracked... I live in Beijing and I can certainly vouch for the feasibility of these ideas... It's a very small portion of the society here who either has the means or the will to try attempt bypassing or circumventing these regulations...
It's strange to me because Chinese society is incredibly agoristic... I would say a good half of the population falls below their "not significant" status
They actually have a 1-9 official classification for citizens... Divided into three tiers, the first tier of rank 1 through 3 are considered the elite (President Xi is tier 1, Jack Ma and industry tycoons/bankers are rank 2, 3 is basically millionaire entrepreneurs, high-rank bureaucrats etc) 4-6 are considered first class-citizens, and 7-9 are considered second class citizens aka disposables/untouchables)
This was rolled out last year and my Chinese colleagues who fell in the 2nd tier were quite outraged at the situation, but only one of them (a good friend of mine) actually told me about the actual way it works and what it means...
What you describe in your video is certainly going to be accepted here in China, and as you point out, in 20 years is completely feasible in the Western states... Heck, in 20 years, there won't even be any more states...
World War 3 will have erupted, that's for sure.
Old Beijingers/Shanghaiers/Guangdongers will try to fight these changes... The old upper-class (who still learn traditional form Chinese and study classical literature) clearly view the current government as thugs...
They are Pinochet type puppets who will compromise anything for power and wealth...
The prayer is that they are simply too obtuse to repress the society by violent coersion... But the level of ignorance in China is several orders of magnitude worse than America's level of ignorance... I think the Chinese would gladly play the little capitalism game for a century before there was a similar awakening as there is in the West today...
One thing we can say for sure is the Chinese are incredibly talented at controlling the circulation of information... The Western "Fake News" rhetoric pales in comparison to the effectiveness of the Chinese social engineers in controlling public perception...
Still, even if 0.1% of China's population is aware and educated, that still represents a force of ten million people. The issue is most of these educated Chinese are understandably strung across the globe, as life in China is somewhat too unbearable for them...
But many do return to China and attempt to form a civil society... They open art galleries, cafes, and the like, and subtly subvert the official ideologies...
It's going to take a long time...
Thanks for updating us on the Chinese situation... I would love to one day add some thoughts to your body of knowledge about China... I've been living here for 2 years and have been reading modern socialist literature for a while now in an attempt to understand what the situation really is...
I'm such a bad Corbett Reporteer though... I've watched every single one of your videos for 2 years and still have not signed up on the website and become a Corbett Report member...
I do however promise that one day I will bring you some very interesting nuggets about China in the NWO... I solemnly swear
Peace James xx
thank you, that was an enlightening read and a rare window into Chinese society that will never be shown by western corporate media, that's for sure.
They want to dehumanise every single Chinese man, woman and child, so that the Americans have no moral concerns for killing Chinese civilians when the war inevitably breaks out.
Do you post often about the Chinese society and life in China?
in the real know
I've met some very interesting people in my time in Beijing and they've certainly blown away all of my previous prejudices and misconceptions about China and Chinese civilization (I know James hates using that word in relation to groups of people and their ideologies; but if there is such a thing as Western civilization then China is certainly its Eastern homologue and has been for over two thousand years, that's for sure)Thanks @lobaskin, I'm glad you found it interesting. And yes, nobody understands China (I included) except those who are
One thing I can say for sure is Americans who come to China don't ever really begin to scratch the surface... Indeed, the cultural barrier is great. I think you'd be right in saying that many Americans (even those who've lived in China) do have a hard time seeing Chinese people as fully human beings... And certainly the reverse would be true for many Chinese seeing non-Chinese as fully human...
I hope both sides would have a moral concern about killing each other... Especially civilians...
But Chinese could very easily be manipulated by "dehumanizing" propaganda... 20 years ago most non-Chinese were seen as awesome and fantastic in China... But in recent years a demonization campaign has certainly been playing out... For sure, regardless of color/race/religion, there is a lot of xenophobia in China (And the USA mind you...)
Do I often post about Chinese society and life here?
Actually no, I never really do, for fear of attracting unwanted attention... The last thing I want is for the Chinese to want me out of their country at this stage.
I shouldn't even write this comment LOL
Gweilo = cantonese for foreign devil, lol . when I lived in HK, I always heard that word used in a 'non respectful' tone
(maybe it was just my imagination, but that's the only place I ever 'felt' racial prejudice against me)
The way it is structured, it will soon end up like the ancient Indian caste system. This will not bode well for their society.
Yeah right? So much for the classless society depicted by all communist ideologues. Unless classicism and elitism are a neccessary pre-condition for eradicating class in society (and this is where they lose me).
If the capitalists won't do it because its not in their interest then why will the socialists?
Thats how you know all this cold war rhetoric was always meant to provide dialectic justification for the worst kinds of oppression gangsterism and kronyism
Thanks James and imp.unity for your addition. This comes as no surprise to me because you have been following this process for some time James. It reflects that the Chinese elites number one concern is not ww3 but their own people rising up against them. They fear a repeat of Tiananmen Square above all else. As you say imp.unity Western propaganda/media controls pales compare to China. each year there are hundreds of strikes and occupations that are never reported. Only when workers resort to desperate actions does it find its way to the Western media. As mentioned by others the UK tv show Black Mirror is a must watch. the episode nosedive shows us how such control measures could be implemented in the "free world".
Hello @imp.unity, I have just made a post related to this topic. About the loss of freedoms that comes with a 'smart' connected world etc. Have a look @mmo-mmo
Brilliant piece of insight @imp.unity, thank you very much for sharing. I have many chinese friends here in the us, however, it seems that chinese society is moving so quickly that if you are not there on the ground observing things as they take shape, then much of the meaning is lost or perhaps not "real". Sort of surprised steemit isn't blocked by the great firewall (or is it and you are navigating around???) I was in china a few years back and it was pretty easy to get around the wall....