Of course not all ideologies have to be heard equally. What kind of an ignorant statement is that? The question is, should all be heard? The answer, YES! Why you ask? You should always keep tabs on and an open dialogue with all ideologies in order to understand where they come from and more importantly where they are going. I completely disagree that Crowder is a bigot! I do believe that MR is afraid of someone like Crowder because he speaks facts and unequivocal truths. This alone causes fear and nightmares for the Alt Lefts agenda. Crowder is low key and doesn’t engage in fouter! His lax and calm demeanor while engaging people whom disagree with him is not productive in the minds of the extreme left. They have no real ground to stand on so they irratically and sometimes violently (Antifa) engage in order to avoid the facts! That’s a fact baby... To answer your question about Joe Rogan, only a political shill like yourself would pose such a question like that. What are Right wing ideologies? I would like to know what you think those are. I am more than willing to bet the farm that your Socialist agenda is more harmful to this nation than anything the Right comes up with. All you care about is dividing the people and weakening our position so the government has more leverage to control every aspect of our lives. You sir and your “Alt Left Ideologies” are a detriment to this society.
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