In this Majority Report clip, we delve into Joe Rogan and how his platforming of right-wingers may do more harm than good. Rogan thinks shows like MR are inadequate to political discourse because we do not give a platform to guys like Steven Crowder who happens to be on his show! And who we happen to show is a virulent bigot in this clip!
Steemians, do you believe that all ideologies have to be heard equally? Or, do you think there are ideas that are inherently harmful to our cultural conversations? Let us know!
If your policies are correct and reasonable, and the "right wing guests" aren't reasonable, you don't need to worry that they have a platform.
If you try to block people from hearing opposing points of view, even if you're guiding them to what's correct, you're hurting their ability to learn to sort out the good from the bad, so longterm probably making it worse, and creating a further dependency on the right people telling them what to think.
If you're secure and comfortable in your beliefs I don't think you need to worry that the opposition gets heard. (You should actually want them to.)
Of course not all ideologies have to be heard equally. What kind of an ignorant statement is that? The question is, should all be heard? The answer, YES! Why you ask? You should always keep tabs on and an open dialogue with all ideologies in order to understand where they come from and more importantly where they are going. I completely disagree that Crowder is a bigot! I do believe that MR is afraid of someone like Crowder because he speaks facts and unequivocal truths. This alone causes fear and nightmares for the Alt Lefts agenda. Crowder is low key and doesn’t engage in fouter! His lax and calm demeanor while engaging people whom disagree with him is not productive in the minds of the extreme left. They have no real ground to stand on so they irratically and sometimes violently (Antifa) engage in order to avoid the facts! That’s a fact baby... To answer your question about Joe Rogan, only a political shill like yourself would pose such a question like that. What are Right wing ideologies? I would like to know what you think those are. I am more than willing to bet the farm that your Socialist agenda is more harmful to this nation than anything the Right comes up with. All you care about is dividing the people and weakening our position so the government has more leverage to control every aspect of our lives. You sir and your “Alt Left Ideologies” are a detriment to this society.
Very nice :)
Short answer - yep.
“Hearing both sides” is a noble ideal but completely relies on both parties acting in good faith. Let’s not beat around the bush, a lot of the right leaning figureheads have found a great niche in monetising bad faith. Giving them a platform dilutes discourse. Is it any surprise that the ones who are most vocal about the “both sides” nonsense are the sly fuckers with one eye on their wallet?
Do we have time for this shit in our lives nowadays, having to do the merry dance with the “very reasonable argument” people who, let’s be frank, only aim is to shit up “the other side”? No. So let’s just not bother. I’ve sat and watched this stuff ceaselessly debunked over the years, only to be replaced by some other faceless sap coming in with their angle through an incredibly selective lens. I’ve just no time for it any more, I’d rather deal with and listen to people who actually want to contribute something of value instead of contrarianism.
He's bringing Kyle Kulinski on, who isn't on Steemit yet.