I believe all of you know what is going on right now and if you are new to this you at least sense it very strongly.
I highly encourage those who have doubt or sincere questions to be open and ask. We asks that you " seek" him, so it is perfectly acceptable to ask questions and if you have doubt to be honest about it and why.
If you are not honest about it or come with anger and discord then your heart is not open to receive knowledge. Pray to God to open your heart and receive the answers that you seek out. Yes, we are coming close to The Great Day of The Lord!
His foot steps have been upon the earth since 2011 testing, gathering, chastising, separating the wheat from the chaff. The NEWS we post each day is important because it tells us and those seeking the Lord to know what stage we are in during the End of Days as the Lords footsteps take place.
The nations have gathered. Troops have been sent all over the world. The worlds armies are surrounding Israel as well and the threats are very clear. Many military troops have assembled from around the world to other places globally by air, land and ocean.
This would be considered as WW3 aka Armageddon. Hence the coming Great Day of the Lord!
We all know that he does not pick sides. He will take over. It will remove the corruption and make earth what is was meant to.
It will not be pretty at first. The key is to get right with God, seek the Lord for he is still your Shepard and shield. For the rich, shrewd and corrupt will seek out shelter underground, refuge in mountains and more and still not find relief.
We are all nothing without him for his is of both guidance to physical as well and spiritual salvation. Trust this. He does have a plan. All you have to do is seek him, accept him and guide others to him in his name RAYEL. Time is short!
There is not much time left, so please seek to learn more, ask sincere questions so that you may quickly spiritually mature and prepare for all of this. We are all here to support and guide one another in Lord Rayel's name.
Some have already witnessed proof of New Jerusalem making rounds -sightings in both China and Africa. Yes, This is real. PRAISE GOD OF HIGH!
God Bless You All in Lord Rayel's name !
Written by: Kelly Patrick, Vicar General Ecumenical Order of Christ
Join us at: VK - Facebook - Google +
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Upvoted & Resteemed, that being said; probably do not agree with you on most of the doctrinal religious part of your cult, but I do Agree with the first few paragraphs, and I think that each man should step away from human beings and seek the Lord and speak with the Lord in solitude/alone.
My brother, by saying that you do exact what we try to teach every day. Whether if you believe Lord RayEl is Christ or not. He has given one commandment:
Love GOD Love each other
He himself explained that Paradise is for those with an open mind and a noble heart. You have shown both in perfection! And be aware, we will all be judged based on our soul...
The point that you do not agree with most of the "doctrinal religious" part is OUR indoctrination. So you need to deal with the knowledge that is may against your believe that you, in the End, may see the whole truth and picture.
I recognized that you changed your vote to 100%. I also noticed that you work for the community for EACH OTHER, therefore you are a true Role Model a fat THANK YOU for that!!!
Much LOVE and LIGHT in the Name of Lord RayEl <3
No good,
Hello, @jeanviete,
I am concerned by what you say here, because of (for example) these scriptures:
There are quite a few other scriptures that lead me to be concerned about anyone claiming to be the Christ.
Thank you for posting.

I also would highly suggest you the following steemit articles:
Is Lord RayEl Jesus? - No, He Is Not
Rejecting Christ - True Religious Depictions Of Christ
The Three Abrahamic Religions
Thank you kindly for your responses.
Thank you for your comment, what you quote is absolutely true! But is also state to you and implement that HE, the Lord will return. Therefore many scriptures describe the exact conditions the messiah/moshiach have to match. All 3 Abrahamic religions will give you information about that.
Lord RayEl announced the World after his return via youtube videos. And it is still there for all eyes to see in "the cloud".
Also one of the most esteemed religious Leader of the Jewish people Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri said in his last Yom Kippur message:
So did Lord RayEl match the scriptures you mentioned? -Yes he does, but happened it in the way YOU was trained to expect it? - No! So doubt at this point is normal... its now up to you to make the decision to look further into and deal with the Knowledge to get proof if He matches all conditions...
I am quite skeptical of any claims to a returned messiah. All I see is incredibly sketchy "evidence," and a lack of doctrinal solidity. Convince this bad Quaker through clear scripture and reason, not obtuse arguments.
Yes, and you should be! But there is proof and tons of evidence... I suggest to start with the following articles and make your research :)
Is Lord RayEl Jesus? - No, He Is Not
Rejecting Christ - True Religious Depictions Of Christ
We are pleased for every constructive conversation. Maybe you can name what you mean exactly with:
I mean the evidence is entirely lacking in substance.
That would be because the religious and political authorities alike had rejected God. You conflate the laws of man and the laws of God to build an absurd argument that these conflicting concepts are equal. The State is anti-Christ, and it always has been. That is why the corrupt priesthood sought the aid of pagan theocratic governments to slay the Servant King.
Jesus was of the line of David through Mary, and lineage is counted through the mother in many ancient societies including ancient Israel.
If He defeated death and was resurrected, He conquered death. Nothing can be more redemptive than that.
@jacobtothe ... The article you are referencing is one that I wrote, and you mention a couple of things I would be happy to address...
I couldn't agree more. That's why I wrote the article; to clear up the man-made misinterpretations of "Jesus", and further the argument that most Christians today worship a false idol created by those who are against Christ. Much of the work came after Yeshua's crucifixion to cover up the truth and spread falsehoods by church authorities, and most Christians today are loyal to their church, not to Christ.
This is what gave his apostles hope. It was the skeptic Thomas who saw the holes in his hands, and went around telling everyone that he has risen. This served as a catalyst for a renewed focus, and the apostles took the message and spread it far and wide (before suffering tragic fates of their own).
However, in Acts 1:6-7, it says
Scriptural proof that even Yeshua knew that he would have to return for redemption of Israel. After he said that to the witnesses, and ascended, two men in white robes approach them and calm their concerns, saying he will return in like manner.
It was over the location of his ascension, and in the manner he prophesied in Matthew 24:27 in which he returned on January 28, 2011. You can see the videos below:
The preceding verses:
UFO footage is far from persuasive evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Scriptures taken out of context are deceptive rather than enlightening. If the tree is good, where is the good fruit?
A "UFO" is simply another label for what the religious world would call an "Angel". A little bit of logic has to be applied here, and our view of reality should not be distorted simply because our labels evolve over time... We are told in scripture that Christ would return from the clouds of heaven, and a massive force of angels would accompany him. Well in 2011, UFO sightings nearly doubled, and this is well documented. https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-db5c515b669221563a10015b9f93e92f
My article you quoted earlier also explains Matthew 24:23-26. It's a segment of scripture that gets thrown at us quite often, but I would have to suggest improving your argument. There are perhaps hundreds of people claiming to be the Messiah now, and many more throughout history, ALL of them had a physical address and you could walk right up to their doorstep. Since the fusing of Spirit to the Son of Man in 2011, Lord RayEl's location has never been revealed. No one in the public knows his location, and will not until he comes to his temple, completing the prophecy of Malachi 3:1. Not even anyone in his clergy knows, or has ever been told his location. Christ knew this ahead of time, and that's why he made that prediction.
Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves @jacobtothe The accusation that we are taking anything out of context is not well supported with facts. Actually, once you do the full research, then it will come to full clarity what we are witnessing here, and it is wise to do so before making hasty judgments.
You ask for good fruit? I would imagine he is asking us the same question, where is the good fruit? After all he has taught us, how have WE used his blessings? Above all, Yeshua's message 2,000 years ago was to "Love our Father, and to Love your neighbor" (Mark 12:30-31) ... Today, his message is virtually the same, with his ultimate stance that we should "Love God, and love each other."... It is not us who ought to demand of him good fruit, it is up to us to show him that we are capable of providing such.
First of all, he fulfills prophecy to the letter, and he has been judging the nations, all of which is well documented here... http://www.youtube.com/user/ChristHasReturned/videos?sort=da&flow=list&view=0
Second, his identity as Yeshua/Messiah/Christ has been confirmed hundreds of times in the statistically verifiable equidistant letter skips of Torah/Bible Code. More on that subject can be found here... http://torah-codes.net/
Apologies for stepping up one level in the thread, but we are at the end of the allowable replies.
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Use scripture to support your arguments. None of the cited scriptures in your sources are persuasive, especially considering your use of Matthew 24:27 considering its context. This indicates to me that you are intentionally deceptive. Deceit is not the way of Christ.
Yes, I do ask for good fruit. A man who says "I am your king, and I am your lord" shows me the arrogance of man, not the majesty of God. Christ is humble, not arrogant. He stands at the door and knocks, he does not make demands. He sits with the downtrodden, he does not demand to be exalted.
I don't buy that line of argument at all. If your argument is first that, "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Then why do you need to resort to such methods to prove it? It should be self-evident according to your own scriptural sources, but all you have is mystical mumbo-jumbo and empty promises.
follow and upvote
The vision of a redeeming king is one that has a cherished place in my heart.
A fat THANK YOU for your comment and for resteem our articles @seablue <3
You're welcome.
Very good work. Thank you Jean!
I hate Slavery, Nazis and Religion which is all the same thing to me..... hence my vote.
Thank you for your comment but a flag?! Come on...
... you just named a "group", an "ideology" and a "goal". You can change the variable as desired... therefore it is needed to split the people-the Homogeneous mass- in groups, which is called "divide and rule". But instead we need to love each other... we are all humans(almost)!
Religion was established for the glorification of GOD and his teachings, to recognize the Lords return and to prepare the people for His return! But instead of this the churches were corrupted, sealed the real truth up and mislead the people for their own benefit -the vatican is the richest state on earth- but they tell you to give... Hypocritically... hmm?
The EOC was raised by Christ and we are here to tell the truth and spread the Lords return and His words! Be aware, once He has taken the Throne, no more religion will be needed... HE has given us one simple rule:
If we dearly LOVE EACH OTHER no "divide and rule" games will work anymore, as simple is that...
The only purpose of god or any religion is to dominate and extract value by force. God and religion is the opposite of love. it is slavery and violence.
Well, when you study the 3 Abrahamic Religions you will discover that The Quran is the Word of GOD but without the Hadith. Then GOD chose the Jews as their Priest Folk and made a convenant with them, it was sealed by the mosaic laws, the Torah.
When Yeshua was here, HE breaks down the Torah and said. The first and greatest commandment is to love GOD with all of your Heart. And the second is like this "Love your neighbor as yourself". These teachings were for the gentiles that they may find the way to GOD. Out of this Christianity was established...
But you are right, that the authorities of this World corrupted the teachings for their own despicable lusts, as I tried to explain to you the comment before...
... but better you hear Christ explaining it himself:
I'm still waiting for the LORD's return. Maranatha!
Acts 1:8-11 KJVS
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. [9] And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. [10] And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; [11] Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Yes, and it happened! He went to Heaven the same way, like He came back on January 28th 2011... you can see the Holy Spirit descending over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem:
After this, the Holy Spirit went back up into the sky with a "flash like lightening" and goes from the east unto the west to unite with the Son of Man. This happened as predicted in the International Zone between Mexico and the USA both symbolized with the Eagle:
So actual HE matched scriptures, even the hidden one -through mistranslation- of Matthew 24:28
Now you know my brother!!!
We are now in the 7th year of The Lords return and entered the Hebrew year of Completion 5777. How many coincidences are the Truth?
Much Love and Light in the Name of the returned Christ Lord RayEl <3
What does Rael mean or Rayel? Just curious. Oh by the way, I saw the 'floating city's myself one night out here where I
It was so big and so unexpected, I was so shocked, I thought it almost gave me a stroke. I just locked up for a bit, a galactic size star cruiser. Huge!
It is also possible, though rare for a reflective surface of water to form in the atmosphere and to see what is on the ground mirrored in the sky. Again, rare but possible
Thank you for your comment! What Ra-El or RayEl means you can read in this steemit article:
Is Lord RayEl Jesus? - No, He Is Not
Rejecting Christ - True Religious Depictions Of Christ
It is possible that you have seen the third temple... it will soon descend in Jerusalem, therefore read the following steemit articles:
New Jerusalem Has Arrived During the End of Days
Elysium - The Truth About Ezekiel's Wheel
We are now in the 7th year of The Lords return and entered the Hebrew year of Completion 5777.
Feel free to ask any question!
Much Love and Light <3
Hi @jeanviete Rayel or Ray Elwood. I will not argue against your devotion to him as he obviously was a leader and did some fine things. Anyways, I have done some fine things too. Guys like us, saints, people tasked with a job to do, do it. In my case, whether we want to or not. It is not always fun and some of it is just darn perplexing and hard.
I could send you pictures of my latest accomplishments from which I am still recovering but I will not. Merely suffice it to say, without being mean and without putting down Rayel and all is works that it happens all the time.
God finds somebody and that somebody does what he wants. The Franciscians, the Dominicans, the Jesuits, the Benedictines, are just examples of catholic orders where it was obvious that God was involved. There are a lot of them and it is great! God is unique and the rest of us are just doing a job. That includes you. Good. Well done.
On the other hand, we are born, we live, we grow, and we learn. Now when I documented the miracles that occur here and there are many, and when I documented the detriment that was here and, oh Jesus, was that a pain. We see that there are things that happen and people who meet the challenge and the whole goal is to be wise about it and stay alive - if possible. Usually it is not but that is the goal anywyays.
Now, I read that Rayel is part of the Gnostics and some of what they say is true. Most notably it is similar to something I hear every so often, the Jews killed Jesus. Did they? The roman soldiers crucified and killed Jesus. This is the example of how things get really messed up. Tiberius Caesar is known to have rewritten the Bible in order to control the Christians. One of the things I have taken issue with is that, "There shall be no more prophets."
Uh-huh, sure, okay. And no more saints and so on. You getting this flower child? I hope so. One of the things I did when I began to document a realmiracle(.com) is I searched for a name for my website, which is gone, and when I did low and behold I found out something. People documented a host of miracles all over the world, even in religions like Islam - yes, it is true, Buddhism, Hinduism, and so on. I am sure the dark side ahs their miraculous people too. In fact, I have met some and what a set of experiences that was. I am sure you have too, or you wouldn't be a Cardinal.
My point is this: if the salt has lost its savor...well, remember my little salt shaker. Stay alive. It is tougher than you think and God is above Rayel and pulling the strings.
Now me, I follow the Pope because they tend to die of old age. Life may not be good but...it sure is an exciting ride isn't it?
In history, of which powerful religious leaders are plentiful with strange and wonderful talents, there are those with no powers and they are jealous. You know the story or again you wouldn't be a Cardinal. Right?
In history, things are lost by wars, famines, natural disasters, diseases, and a bunch of really mean people that tend to try to destroy historical evidence usually to rob a temple or library of the gold and silver stuff that is there. That's life in a nutshell. I hope you are in no cult and I hope you succeed venerating your beloved saint. I hope you are not in a cult because, whether it is the end or not, no one knows - remember? No one knows when the end will occur, except God, so live long and prosper kiddo. God Bless you and don't get stoned, shot, crucified, and so on because if God wanted us dead, we would be dead and we are not. We are alive and while we are...God is the God of the living - Good luck! God Bless!