I am not sure about this. I only find info. on ticket / fine on violation, nothing say store have right to tackle and tie up the guy.
Even if the store may have right to demand "dress code" and reject customers, these employee have no enforcement rights and should have waited for police to take action. Hope to see a big lawsuit against these jokers to set things straight.
Check with any lawyer--but if a store advertises to sell to the public, then that is an invite to come in and shop, it's not private property during business hours. There are at least 2-3 mask exemptions this man (or anyone) can claim. These exemptions are listed in the Ministerial Order--but the MSM won't talk about it. Remember, the BC Provincial Health Officer Bonny Henry who ordered the mask mandate admits to the exemptions an says they should be respected. The MSM under it's corportate masters are initiating a Mask witchhunt. Masks do not protect you from illness, Bonnie Henry herself said this under oath in a court of law a few years back.
He didn't claim any exemption which is one problem with that argument. The store is under a mask mandate order, doesn't matter what the person walking in feels about the mask the owner has a right to order him out of the store given that not doing so could result in him being shut down. I disagree they had any right what so ever to even touch the man, that should have been left up to the cops period....but they do have a right to protect that which will get taken from them by not requiring those entering the store to mask up.
"He didn't claim any exemption which is one problem with that argument." There's no problem with the argument. If the man didn't know about exemptions, then he needs to learn about them. In Burnaby, BC RCMP officers have ticketed young couples on a date in a restaurant for not social distancing enough, even when sitting across the dinner table from one another.
Mask mandate orders are Ministerial, they are not laws, they do not trump legislation. The same Ministerial Order, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Canadian Human Rights Act, The BC Public Health Act, The B.C. Human Rights Act, and The BC Emergency Program Act M425, all clearly state the Mask Exemptions are given for under age children, and people with health (physical and psychological) reasons and other disabilities. When people claim an exemption they are not required to show proof of their medical condition because of Health Information Privacy Rights in BC.
The B.C. Human Rights act allows any business to respect and honor a mask exemption without being fined for observing that exemption. The business cannot be shutdown legally or fined.
The mask mandate here in BC, Canada was initiated with pressure from special interest groups and corporations on Privincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry who worked previously for the Gates Foundation.
Still the problem is he did not attempt to mention he was exempt based on medical criteria exemptions to the mandate. He does not have to go into an explanation of his medical condition, that's the same here, they are not allowed to ask the specifics of but none the less he needs to express a medical exemption.
There is a still further problem. The reason he may have acted as he did: not claiming an exemption, he may be a set-up/crisis actor. His behavior is valuable to the Mask Nazi agenda by creating a violent scene to make us pro-breather/mask exemption people look bad, even though he is obviously not one, still the MSM has lumped him in with us. Masks worn for long periods of time (anything over 10 minutes) are harmful to your health. Any neurologist who is honest will tell you this: less oxygen to the brain leads to brian damage, and in the case of masks can lead to bacterial pneumonia and strep throat.
I am not sure about this. I only find info. on ticket / fine on violation, nothing say store have right to tackle and tie up the guy.
Even if the store may have right to demand "dress code" and reject customers, these employee have no enforcement rights and should have waited for police to take action. Hope to see a big lawsuit against these jokers to set things straight.
Definitely not a correct course of action on the part of Canadian Tire employees.
Check with any lawyer--but if a store advertises to sell to the public, then that is an invite to come in and shop, it's not private property during business hours. There are at least 2-3 mask exemptions this man (or anyone) can claim. These exemptions are listed in the Ministerial Order--but the MSM won't talk about it. Remember, the BC Provincial Health Officer Bonny Henry who ordered the mask mandate admits to the exemptions an says they should be respected. The MSM under it's corportate masters are initiating a Mask witchhunt. Masks do not protect you from illness, Bonnie Henry herself said this under oath in a court of law a few years back.
He didn't claim any exemption which is one problem with that argument. The store is under a mask mandate order, doesn't matter what the person walking in feels about the mask the owner has a right to order him out of the store given that not doing so could result in him being shut down. I disagree they had any right what so ever to even touch the man, that should have been left up to the cops period....but they do have a right to protect that which will get taken from them by not requiring those entering the store to mask up.
"He didn't claim any exemption which is one problem with that argument." There's no problem with the argument. If the man didn't know about exemptions, then he needs to learn about them. In Burnaby, BC RCMP officers have ticketed young couples on a date in a restaurant for not social distancing enough, even when sitting across the dinner table from one another.
Mask mandate orders are Ministerial, they are not laws, they do not trump legislation. The same Ministerial Order, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Canadian Human Rights Act, The BC Public Health Act, The B.C. Human Rights Act, and The BC Emergency Program Act M425, all clearly state the Mask Exemptions are given for under age children, and people with health (physical and psychological) reasons and other disabilities. When people claim an exemption they are not required to show proof of their medical condition because of Health Information Privacy Rights in BC.
The B.C. Human Rights act allows any business to respect and honor a mask exemption without being fined for observing that exemption. The business cannot be shutdown legally or fined.
The mask mandate here in BC, Canada was initiated with pressure from special interest groups and corporations on Privincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry who worked previously for the Gates Foundation.
Still the problem is he did not attempt to mention he was exempt based on medical criteria exemptions to the mandate. He does not have to go into an explanation of his medical condition, that's the same here, they are not allowed to ask the specifics of but none the less he needs to express a medical exemption.
There is a still further problem. The reason he may have acted as he did: not claiming an exemption, he may be a set-up/crisis actor. His behavior is valuable to the Mask Nazi agenda by creating a violent scene to make us pro-breather/mask exemption people look bad, even though he is obviously not one, still the MSM has lumped him in with us. Masks worn for long periods of time (anything over 10 minutes) are harmful to your health. Any neurologist who is honest will tell you this: less oxygen to the brain leads to brian damage, and in the case of masks can lead to bacterial pneumonia and strep throat.
We so far haven't seen an increase in those dangerous activities being listed anywhere.
Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
Bacterial Pneumonia and Other Health Risks of Wearing Masks Alarm Doctors