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RE: The Rabbit Hole is Much Darker and Far More Sinister Than You Imagined

in #news6 years ago

Also, forgot to mention how disgusted I felt seeing that pool room in that Vanderbilt chateaux. And also to think that that despicable excuse for a so called reporter Anderson Cooper, obvious CIA stooge plant is part of this Luciferian bloodline. As the "voice of CNN" or MSM, they sure like to pick them. So glad to see how CNN in particular has lost about 90% of their credibility since the 2016 elections. They must pay this "Cooper" puppet really really well. I can just imagine the nefarious shit he is involved with. Merely one soldier of darkness amongst the rotten lot who has sold his soul to the devil.

And to think it is the same place where children were tortured and from which Tony Podesta's artwork was inspired from has to be some of the ugliest things to have ever occurred in the history of humanity.

We are without a doubt God's most failed species on earth, despite claiming we have the most superior mind of all beings. Ha!