
Dear Sean,

Despite our differences in opinions re Trump & Q, I am gladly re-steeming this very important interview.

Like your guest, bless her soul, eluded to - not much is expected to arise from those so called "sealed indictments". Therefore, it is up to us, collectively, to shed more light on these Luciferian scum and expose them.

At the very least we will expose them and awaken many, as to at least bring the to the court of public opinion, where, even if not sent to jail for their crimes will at least be singled-out for their deeds and atrocities.

It didn't surprise me one bit when she mention that Meryl Streep was the Grande Dame (i.e., top witch) in Hollywood. She has very average acting talent and has only been rewarded for selling her soul to Satan himself whilst performing God know what rituals and sacrifices during her tenure. As was mentioned, she not only supported but also praised child-rapist Roman Polanski.

Others like Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg - who seem to have been very quiet lately - are highly likely pedophiles and run in these circles. Hanks was greatly rewarded as an (very average) actor. But anyone can look into his family pedigree and bloodlines and that in itself will tell you a lot.

Fiona's testimony reminded me a lot of the account of two sisters - Cheryl & Lynn Hersha whom I think were also in this specific "Delta" outfit (around similar time periods to Fiona if I recall correctly).

I strongly recommend you get a copy of the book that was written by one of the sisters - Secret Weapons: How Two Sisters Were Brainwashed To Kill For Their Country by Cheryl Hersha,
Ted Schwarz , Dale Griffis, Lynn Hersha
(Amazon link here)


The girls were also under the MKULTRA Mind Control program and were trained at a very young age to be special soldiers and seductresses.

It's a fascinating book that has hundreds of well documented footnotes - many pertaining to MKULTRA and their experiments.

Once again, thanks for this very important interview. And thank you very much Fiona for your very admirable courage in speaking out. We will do our best to help extend your message and try to rid humanity of these Luciferian Pedophile Parasites!

God's Light will extinguish their dark horrors and send them all to burn in hell for the rest of eternity.

Also, forgot to mention how disgusted I felt seeing that pool room in that Vanderbilt chateaux. And also to think that that despicable excuse for a so called reporter Anderson Cooper, obvious CIA stooge plant is part of this Luciferian bloodline. As the "voice of CNN" or MSM, they sure like to pick them. So glad to see how CNN in particular has lost about 90% of their credibility since the 2016 elections. They must pay this "Cooper" puppet really really well. I can just imagine the nefarious shit he is involved with. Merely one soldier of darkness amongst the rotten lot who has sold his soul to the devil.

And to think it is the same place where children were tortured and from which Tony Podesta's artwork was inspired from has to be some of the ugliest things to have ever occurred in the history of humanity.

We are without a doubt God's most failed species on earth, despite claiming we have the most superior mind of all beings. Ha!

It amazes me how globalized this rabbit hole is. And also how sick some people are. Thanks Sean for good interview


The Qillary spy-op Exposed - The Days of Darkness - Humanity Makes It´s Last Stand!!!

I wish sites like yours would do closed captioning of your colonialist guest , because these British sounding meat puppets sound like they are talking with a mouth full of rocks❗️

Sgtreport I love your content and I will always upvote and resteem your posts. Spread truth, find jutsice, make these monsters pay

Is a 'commercial intelligence agency' can draw maps of drugs traffic, then we can be sure that they have done the same for human trafficking. As it is very much related to eachother.

If a commercial agency can draw maps like that, and know who is doing what, then the government agencies must be able to draw much more detailed maps, right?
And why are there still so many drug traffic routes?
If they know all this, then they must know the key people. But those key people are still walking around, making many thousands of victims every year.
And that makes it a clear sign that someone in government is being used to interfere with all this.
