
Combine survivalist philosophy with 3d printing, AI, CRISPR, aquaponics, mesh networks, and you're good to go. We need to undertake the necessary tooling to create, build, and further civilization without dependence on overlords parasitizing our production.

I reckon you have the right idea of where to start.

biwak hightech ninjas - when they leave, they leave permaculture behind them :))

The only means of forwarding civilization today is via permaculture, and that is why civilization is being destroyed by it's most powerful institutions today.

Permaculture, including of production of goods other than food, is impossible to centralize, and this facet of it's nature dooms centralized power and authority to obsolescence eventually should civilization progress. No government can amend, repeal, or legislate the laws of physics, and it is the nature of the universe itself that focuses the cutting edge of technological development on decentralization presently.

Freedom is the only way forward.

But they can take everything from you. Especially when you're immobile.

If it can be taken from you it was never really yours.

.... your dog?

There was a time when I lost everything I had worked all my life to get, and that included my dogs. I walked away in borrowed socks. I was glad I had all my parts, because those can be taken from you too.

All we really have is our sovereign will. Everything else is scenery, in a sense.