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RE: Corrupting Science to Eliminate Facts

in #news5 years ago (edited)

The only means of forwarding civilization today is via permaculture, and that is why civilization is being destroyed by it's most powerful institutions today.

Permaculture, including of production of goods other than food, is impossible to centralize, and this facet of it's nature dooms centralized power and authority to obsolescence eventually should civilization progress. No government can amend, repeal, or legislate the laws of physics, and it is the nature of the universe itself that focuses the cutting edge of technological development on decentralization presently.

Freedom is the only way forward.


But they can take everything from you. Especially when you're immobile.

If it can be taken from you it was never really yours.

.... your dog?

There was a time when I lost everything I had worked all my life to get, and that included my dogs. I walked away in borrowed socks. I was glad I had all my parts, because those can be taken from you too.

All we really have is our sovereign will. Everything else is scenery, in a sense.

if you protest against the wrong stuff... don't respect BLM they already lock you up in germany.

cuz youre a bad nazi who spreads corona!

I dunno how my sovereign will can help me there..

I already have permanent pain.

I just try to avoid everything and -one and wanna live outdoors like a guerilla permaculture biwak ninja..

there are reasons for this

Not even your pain can take away your human will. It is truly yours and yours alone.

You'd probably love the bugout camp I setup when the spread of the virus was looking really bad in March. The bare basics: a dry spot to sleep utterly concealed near clean water. I planted potatoes and onions within walking distance around the place, so they would become naturalized. The logging industry leaves plenty of sunny roadsides where a little patch of this or that can thrive, if the acidic forest soils are tolerated.

If worst came to it, I could expand it and make it livable, but I'm old and in pain, and digging into the stony soil to expand it as necessary is daunting. But if I did, it'd be a good place to stay out of everyone's way.

There is also AWESOME outdoor equipment!
Modern technology in jackets, and especially sleeping sacks.. german military sleeping bags with a little biwaktent can keep you warm and dry even 1m under snow or in pure rain.. :) and noone sees you cuz the bushes are higher than you lying on the ground :)
they cost a bit but they're worth it. the quality and your good handling will keep em for ur life :)

I don't think I will find a spot of silence in germany..