
I agree it was stunning.

I dumped my cableTV years ago. I use various alternative media streams to learn about what is going on. It is far less expensive than cableTV and you don't have to put up with the main stream media's agenda.

While it is less expensive, I have had to improve my critical thinking skills to seek out the truth myself. Overall, that's a good thing.

Have a great weekend!
Steem on,

I'm ready to dump my cable. Only thing I watch is fox business channel. Maybe you can reveal the alt media streams you use. Finding the truth don't come easy.

I surf a lot of YouTube videos. Most of the YouTube creators also have SteemIt accounts.

For news on YouTube, I subscribe to:
X22 Report -- economic and geopolitical news (you have to apply critical thinking here)
JSNIP4 -- Joe reads articles from various sources and provides crypto-news too.
Crypt0 -- Reads cryto-news
Bix Wier's Road-to-Roota -- Typically a business slant on the news (critical thinking required)
The Money GPS -- excellent source for business articles
Danielle DiMartino Boothe -- former FED insider, great perspective on inner workings of the FED
H. A. Goodman -- he is on the other side of the political perspective from myself, but he does provide a decent perspective
The Blaze -- General news, subscription required for full programs
Gregory Mannarino -- Straight forward business talk on the stock market
SuspiciousObservers -- Weather, solar, earthquake, and volcanic activity (feeds the science geek in me)
The Cryptoverse -- Crypto-news and commentary

There are a few more I am probably missing. I don't miss cableTV at all (and it saved me about $100 a month).

Steem on,

Thank you very much Mike. We have a lot of common taste. This list is well appreciated. On with the Steem.