The Top 10 Luxury Cars Sold In The United States

in #news8 years ago (edited)

One manufacturer captured 4 of the Top 10 Luxury Cars sold in The United States. Can you guess which manufacturer was able to accomplish this?

I was surprised to discover that Audi had 4 in the top 10!


I was thinking about getting a new car. A Luxury Car! I've worked hard for many years. I deserve it, DAMMIT!

So, I went to my favorite source, Consumer Reports, to see the "best in class" luxury cars. It's an impressive list. Cars loaded with high tech gadgets, outstanding safety ratings, so-so gas mileage for the most part, etc.

But the most important thing I found:


Oh well. Maybe a new Nissan Sentra? :(

These are the Top 10 Luxury Cars, posted today, rated by Consumer Reports:

Thank you for visiting. Have a great day!

Michael Stobierski


Image Sources:



Duesenberg was probably the Finest (And Quickest)American Car of its time. Most of the cars I have owned came home on a Trailer and then I would sort them out ! ( usually much more powerful than originally planned by the manufacturers) Thank You, have a Good Day Too!



It will be interesting to see how electric cars, like Tesla, revamp the whole "MPG" (miles per gallon) rating. Will they stick with the current "per charge" system or is there a way to accurately divide the power loss of a single battery cell that will be a 'somewhat' apples to apples comparison with a gallon of fuel being used?

The technology will hopefully evolve to the point where cars won't burn fossile fuels. The oil companies have other ideas. 😈

pretty nice cars .... luxury too ....... thanks for sharing :)

Thank you for visiting! ☆☆☆☆☆😎

All the images are very beautiful, but the first one of the old car I think is the best, congratulations dear friend @michaelstobiersk for the report and the beautiful images

Thank you @jlufer. I appreciate your support! ☆☆☆☆☆😎