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RE: Kathy Griffin Holding Press Conference Because The "Trump Family" Is "Bullying" Her After She Symbolically Beheaded Their Patriarch

in #news8 years ago (edited)

While I know there was a lot of inappropriate jokes and depictions made of Obama (people hanging his effigy, etc.) while he was in office. I feel like the difference between those actions and Kathy Griffin's is that this was done by a celebrity which gave it a much louder voice that was seen by so so many more people. I don't condone anyone pretending to kill any president at all, even as a political statement, but saying she wants to go after an 11 year old is what bothers me the most...Just inappropriate on every level.


I have to agree with you mk40. I'm all for freedom of speech and will defend it but this is an issue of couth and she along with a shit load of other folks in this country have none. No sympathy from me and she deserves what she gets. I hope she ends up careerless but I doubt it. All this back and forth between people of these so labeled parties that exist but really don't. I mean, when are folks going to realize that there democrats and republicans are the same. It's an illusion of choice. The candidates were given to you to choose from. Smoke and mirrors everyone to keep you pissed, busy and full of hate. Very inappropriate behavior indeed.

Completely agree....This last election really felt like that South Park episode where they had to choose between a shit sandwich and a giant douche...

Yeah brother, now look back in time and tell me most weren't the same. Illusions of choice and most put in place to follow a specific agenda.

Did you hear about Barron's reaction to this whole thing?

Yeah, that he thought the image was sad. I can't imagine the damage done to him to think he saw his father murdered.