Hey guy, @shayne here
Kathy Griffin did a photo-shoot where she was symbolically beheading President Trump.
Now, she is holding a press conference with her lawyer about how the Trump family is "bullying" her.
crybully (plural crybullies)
(pejorative) A person who engages in intimidation, harassment, or other abusive behaviour while claiming to be a victim.
Here's what happened
Kathy Griffin made a career-ending mistake by conducting a photo-shoot where she was holding the bloodied severed head of Donald Trump in an ISIS-style propaganda piece.
When I say "career-ending", I'm not being hyperbolic.
Kathy Griffin dumped by Squatty Potty, lambasted by Trump family over photo with bloody head
Kathy Griffin loses endorsement deal over ‘beheaded’ Trump pic
Basically, she screwed herself, bigly
Griffin was trying to remain edgy and relevant by attaching herself to the radical political Left, making not just Donald a target for her attacks, but specifically 11 year old Barron Trump as well, as seen in this Vulture.com article
It’s not about trying to be an equal-opportunity offender anymore because Hillary got such a beat down. It’s his turn. So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.
So not only has she crossed the line in the eyes of about 76% of TMZ readers with this beheading stunt alone:
but it is also her intent to "deliver [a] beat down" to the 11 year old Barron, which is pretty psychopathic behavior. So I don't think that the first lady is wrong in questioning the health of Griffin's mind:
How is Griffin a CryBully?
Well, because of this Tweet by her lawyer, Lisa Bloom:
And this flyer was attached:
She has "endured" "bullying from the Trump family"?
Who feels sympathy for Kathy Griffin?
Do you feel bad about the bullying that Kathy has endured over this stunt?
Are you on her side on this issue? Tell me in the comments below.
A whole bunch of sissys. Feel no sympathy. Don't know why she caved and took the picture down. Freedom of speech. She made a point - should have kept the photo up.
That's a big problem with these virtue-signalling types: they can't even stand behind their purported virtues. She does something edgy, gets a negative response, apologizes, then takes back her apology and hides behind a scummy lawyer. It's really pathetic.
Sympathy for Trump wasn't part of the plan. Now they need to turn this situation around. They're totally losing it.
I was gonna make a post about this but you did it so well I won't bother. I don't like Trump. He says/does some stupid and disgusting things. But you can't be offended by what he says and does and THEN do your own stupid and disgusting things and freak out when it does not go over well. I don't care for him AND I still found that photo wrong on so many levels. Taking Trump out of the equation. There are parents in America RIGHT NOW who have lost children to this kind of horrible death. What about them? Sorry this chick crossed the line. And if she did not realize that all the way till the consequences hit. Then maybe she needed them. Just my 2 cents.
That's about my sentiments, too.
Kathy is just hurting the DNC reputation. l welcome her stupidity as it will help keep Democrats out of office.
Yeah. I see these people doing it and I wish them well in their journey.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Thanks for sharing
Good content
Sweet photos
Have a nice weekend
While I know there was a lot of inappropriate jokes and depictions made of Obama (people hanging his effigy, etc.) while he was in office. I feel like the difference between those actions and Kathy Griffin's is that this was done by a celebrity which gave it a much louder voice that was seen by so so many more people. I don't condone anyone pretending to kill any president at all, even as a political statement, but saying she wants to go after an 11 year old is what bothers me the most...Just inappropriate on every level.
I have to agree with you mk40. I'm all for freedom of speech and will defend it but this is an issue of couth and she along with a shit load of other folks in this country have none. No sympathy from me and she deserves what she gets. I hope she ends up careerless but I doubt it. All this back and forth between people of these so labeled parties that exist but really don't. I mean, when are folks going to realize that there democrats and republicans are the same. It's an illusion of choice. The candidates were given to you to choose from. Smoke and mirrors everyone to keep you pissed, busy and full of hate. Very inappropriate behavior indeed.
Completely agree....This last election really felt like that South Park episode where they had to choose between a shit sandwich and a giant douche...
Yeah brother, now look back in time and tell me most weren't the same. Illusions of choice and most put in place to follow a specific agenda.
Did you hear about Barron's reaction to this whole thing?
Yeah, that he thought the image was real...how sad. I can't imagine the damage done to him to think he saw his father murdered.
I guess Griffin's stunt was successful in the "no press is bad press" sense; everybody's talking about this woman now when nobody was a few days ago. And that was the only point of this, right? That's the only explanation I have for how this photo could have been taken, then Photoshopped, then published without anyone at any point going "hey, making a parody of Islamic terrorist decapitation imagery is so distasteful that it will surely backfire, so maybe we should stop."
Well, this press is getting her dropped by a lot of sponsors and fired from a lot of gigs. I don't think she was expecting that, and wouldn't have done the stunt if she thought there'd be repercussions. And you are totally right: nobody in the chain thought this was a bad idea; it shows how out of touch the echo chamber is.
When squatty potty dumps you, you really have dropped to the bottom, faster than after eating a bushel of prunes and a box of Colon Blow cereal.
They help flush her like they help customers flush turds.
I actually have No words. None.
/me looks around for a possible exit ... while thinking "this has to be a stage. a bad joke."
Hey @shayne I might have been speechless but Lionel Nation was not. And I tend to agree with him about his suspicions re Lisa Bloom.
This guy makes me nuts, though. One minute I'm totally tracking, but in a nanosecond he can be super wrong .. in my view. But ya know what they say, "If two people constantly agree, one is redundant."
Wow, even I have to admit that that photo is way too much, and I've seen a lot of things on the internet.
I'm the same way. I like to think I have a pretty calloused shell, but the years have made me empathetic I guess.
Now, that's good PR.
For who?
This kind of stunt is sickening. I would say that no matter who the target of it was. There is a line to cross and it has been crossed.
I just don't know what kind of person jokes about beheadings. It's a cultural sociopathy.