If you only have your money in tax advantaged accounts you are stuck with funds they provide. Normally though you should have some cash equivalent fund, something that holds like 7 day notes that is your best bet.
I'm expecting a 5-15% correction in the next 90 days. But after this we will likely resume the bull for another year and maybe even until the end of 2019. Don't sweat "normal" corrections of 10-15%. But a day is coming when the whole thing is over and we enter the next credit cycle and recession and have a massive correction. Likely this is a 2020 event.
If you have cash, physical silver is a good place to buy, because its more liquid than gold and you are likely to be able to spend a $20 market value 1oz silver coin easier than a $1500 oz gold coin. But my favorite position for a gold bull is gold mining stocks because they are leveraged to the price of gold. If gold goes $100/oz, the mining company's profit might go up 100% and the stock price responds accordingly.
Thank you for this. I'll have to get in and see what my specific options available might be.