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RE: End Game

in #news4 years ago (edited)

Some fair points here. Those working to create confusion in news media are, I want to say obvious, but it wouldn't be obvious to everyone. I touched on reasons why in my most recent post, or why I think that is, at least.

As for the 'link'. I wasn't asking for actual internet links. The connection. I have looked into this and have yet to find that connection. Keep in mind, it's impossible to look under every stone. I thought maybe you knew something I didn't. Sure, there are opinions littered everywhere. What I do find but wouldn't be so bold as to conclude: Life imitates art. People turning science fiction into a belief, for instance. I feel confident if there was a plan to eliminate that many people, official info would have been leaked. People would not be sitting on their asses, talking about it, and eagerly awaiting the next episode.

Do you realize, one fancy way to get people to take the vaccine would be to utilize fear mongering as tool. Have people spread the word of atrocities. Reverse psychology, in a sense.

Maybe there is a conspiracy. But something that huge would be hidden underneath what's being presented as a conspiracy. Smoke and mirrors. Something to think about. Misdirection. You're all looking one way, confident you have the answers; it's that easy?

If the goal is disrupt society and get rid of a few or even a lot, which would be more effective:

Something labelled as a medicine, and asking people to stay indoors.

Or ripping apart cities and causing havoc/potential war or imprisonment.

Who's left after everything is said and done? Ever heard of bait-and-switch?

Bill Gates of all people is taking a hit. Does he have enemies in high places? If so. What are their names? What are they up to?

Read that and ask yourself how those divisions created and maintained in the news media could be used as a tool in all this.

I don't trust these narratives coming from either side. Far too scripted and predictable for my liking. I don't study the media and stop there. I study the consumers, reactions, how it's distributed, targeted audiences. Picked up on something peculiar the other day. Those gathering in groups to yell at cops all day (those aren't the ears one should be yelling into), nearly all male and about the same age group. Go back in time and look at the 'no justice no peace' protestors who were out yelling at cops for photo ops. Same age group. Early twenties, late teens. That's not a coincidence. Targeted audiences.


It is not hidden. You are not allowed to criticize these people. They have been killing us for 3000 years. Their founder Moses was a murderer, they now have three murderous branches of his original blood oath Cult. If you read the torah/koran/bible objectively you will see what I am talking about.
I once was a follower and a devout one at that. I knew about the book but I just learned of the other books. Talmud Zohar and Kabbalah. They expose the entire agenda. Just look at Palestine you can see the plan for the world!

Beware The World To Come Christopher Bjerknes

Over two thousand years ago the self-styled "Sons of Light" declared war on the seventy nations of the world, whom they call the "Sons of Darkness". Hundreds of millions of lives have been lost in this conflict. The Sons of Light believe the contest will only be won when they utterly exterminate the Sons of Darkness. It will never be lost as long as one of the Sons of Light remains to carry on the fight. The war is mostly fought through deception. Only the Sons of Light know that they are engaged in this endless battle. The Sons of Darkness see the bodies piling up, but search in vain for their enemy, who is as subtle and sly as a holy serpent. Ultimate victory will mean the conquest of the entire Earth. It is close at hand for the Sons of Light. But the war continues and either side may yet win. If the Sons of Light are discovered, all of humanity will be saved. Within this book the battle plans and beliefs of the Sons of Light are revealed for the first time for all to see.

I have been aware of criminal conspiracies since my youth, when I witnessed small town cops selling cocaine out of the police station, and claiming that a local drug dealer had committed suicide by shooting himself in the heart with a lever action rifle twice. I have since observed evidence of comparable criminal conspiracies in every jurisdiction I have lived in. I have no problem with hesitancy to recognize criminal conspiracies and crimes against humanity, since I have seen it happening all my life.

There is something this genocidal war crime ongoing is achieving that is singular, and likely could not be achieved by some lesser mechanism. The mRNA jabs are genetic therapy, and a joint study by Harvard and MIT in May this year showed that mRNA is inserted into DNA. Rare transcription errors become statistical certainty when ~trillions of mRNA devices are intruded into the human body.

Eternal boosters allow continual increases in genetic alterations, extending both the breadth and depth of the modification.

I don't have to prove this is happening to seek to prevent it from happening to me. There is no valid public health claim that could make such forced submission to genetic alteration lawful.

Proof is not a scientific concept. The scientific method consists of disproving false hypotheses, and the hypothesis that the terrorism, propaganda, dehumanization, and violent tyranny is even remotely possibly necessary to benefit public health is disproved with facility.

What's left? The hypothesis that this is simply a depopulation mechanism? Simple brute violence would suffice at far lower cost and more quickly.

The singular feature of this particular global pogrom is the mRNA jabs. The only hypothesis I haven't been able to disprove is that genetic alteration of humanity on a global scale is being implemented.

I have never been more opposed to any conclusion I have ever reached, and never have I more desired to be substantively and critically convinced I was wrong.

Please, for the love of God, prove me wrong.
